Pool Shark

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This spell has a mutative essence
This is a water spell
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Creature
Distance Contact
Lasts Ten minutes per spell rank

The mage instills in himself or in another the ability to breathe water as if it were air, as well as improved swimming ability. The manifestation of this spell typically confers gills on the recipient, but incurs no problem with breathing air above water as well. At higher Intensities, additional abilities are gained as well.

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 to Dash/Might for swimming. Retain ability to speak underwater. No wrinkly fingers.
  2. +2 to Dash/Might. Retain casting ability.
  3. +3 to Dash/Might. Gain ability to communicate with aquatic animals.
  4. +4 to Dash/Might. Gain fins: may move at normal speed underwater.
  5. +5 to Dash/Might. Gain scales: +1 to Guard Roll.