Portation Ward

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PinUp.svg This rule is pretty sexy and doesn't need any attention. Consider it good to go.
Elements.svg This spell needs to have an element given to it.
This spell has a warding essence
Rarity 2
AP 4
Target Area
Distance Medium
Lasts 10 minutes per spell rank

This spell establishes a dead zone for Transportive magic. Nothing is able to teleport into, out of, or within the affected area. The spell covers an area dependent on Intensity. A Portation Ward can be centered on a creature or object, and wherever the center goes, the Portation Ward goes along with it.

Intensity Effects

  1. 10 ft. radius
  2. 20 ft. radius
  3. 30 ft. radius
  4. 40 ft. radius
  5. 50 ft. radius