Summon Void

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Police brutality.svg This rule just plain sucks. It needs a complete overhaul in order to be useful. We don't want to deprecate it, so get cracking on a revision, slacker!
This spell has a dynamic essence
This is a ruin spell
Rarity 3
AP 4
Target N/A
Distance N/A
Lasts N/A
SaveSpell Defense

The mage reaches through the folds of reality and rips open a tear in the threads of the world, in essence, a black hole. This void will seek to suck reality into it, swallowing it forever to the endless cosmos. Those caught within the area of the vacuum must succeed every round at a Might check or move five feet closer to the Void.

Intensity Effects

  1. Void opens, pulling loose items into it. Those caught in the Void suffer 5 damage/round.
  2. The Void opens, pulling loose items into it. Those getting caught in the Void suffer 10 damage/round.
  3. A minor vacuum is created. Those getting caught in the Void suffer 15 damage/round. Items not properly anchored will fly around, causing 5 damage/round.
  4. A major vacuum is created. Items not properly anchored will fly around, causing 10 damage to anyone in the vortex, per round. Those getting caught in the Void suffer 20 damage/ round.
  5. A vortex is created. Those within 50 feet, besides the mage, who do not succeed at a hold or anchor themselves appropriately are sucked into the Void and lost forever. Items not secured or anchored will fly around, being destroyed in the process and causing 15 damage/round to those in the vortex.