Teleport Circle

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Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a transportive essence
This spell can be powered by any element
Rarity 5
AP 6
Target Creatures
Distance Contact
Lasts N/A

The mage rides the flows of magic to a remote location with all his buddies, their equipment, and their pets in tow. The mage can bring along one living creature in addition to himself per spell rank. The mage need not have ever visited the destination to successfully journey there. All of the passengers on the trip need to be in contact with each other when the spell activates.

Intensity Effects

  1. Up to 100 yards
  2. Up to a mile
  3. Up to 10 miles
  4. Up to 100 miles
  5. Up to 1,000 miles