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This spell has a unknown essence
Rarity 2
AP 4
Target One or more creatures
Distance Near
Lasts One round per school rank
SaveMadness and Curse Save

The mage places a curse on a target which steals the moisture from its body and instills in it an insatiable thirst. The damage dealt from desiccation is dependent on spell level and happens only once, but the skill check and Defense penalties last until the end of the spell.

Intensity Effects

  1. Intense thirst (-10 skill checks, 5 damage). Target wants to travel in the direction of water.
  2. Target stops whatever it’s doing, combat excepted, and immediately begin to quest for water to drink. Nothing can distract the target from this (-15 skill checks, 10 damage).
  3. The target stops whatever he/she is doing, even combat, to ravage even its allies’ supplies for water. The target uses force if necessary to get water, even from allies. Target has a hard time defending him/herself until the end of the curse (-5 Defense, 15 damage).
  4. The target is driven mad with thirst, and any unenchanted water he/she touches turns to dust in his/her mouth. The target must make a Psyche + Focus check or be rendered temporarily insane until the end of the spell. When the spell wears off, if the character fails a second Psyche + Focus check, he/she is rendered with an appropriate mental illness (see mental faults; -10 Defense, 20 damage)
  5. Target begins to wither into a desiccated husk (-15 Defense, 30 damage).