Curse Water

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This spell has a unknown essence
Rarity 3
AP 4
Target Body of water
Distance Contact
Lasts See spell description
SaveMadness and Curse Save

The water mage takes a body of water and places a curse on it so that any creature drinking from it becomes the target of the curse’s effects. The amount of water the mage can affect and the period for which the water is cursed as well as the type of curse is dependent on the spell level. Anyone drinking from the cursed water is permanently cursed until a counter-curse or Disenchant spell is cast upon them. For each two school ranks, the water mage knows a new curse, starting with the Cottonmouth Curse and ending with the Desiccating Curse.

Cottonmouth Curse

The target is perpetually plagued with a bad case of dry-mouth. Any words that are uttered are usually slurred and hard to understand and making out becomes totally unpleasant (-5 to all skills that require speech, including casting spells).

Bad Taste Curse

Any refreshment the target receives from liquids is tainted by a vaguely terrible taste, much like that of dung combined with bile with just a dash of rotten milk. Because of the taste, the target is unlikely to drink much and therefore becomes dehydrated (-5 to maximum health).

Bad Luck Curse

Things just don’t seem to go well for the target, do they? (-5 to all skill checks)

Stormcloud Curse

The target is miraculously unaffected by any ill effects from this curse. However, anyone within 100 yards of the target seems to have a hard lot (-5 to all skill checks). Bad omens also seem to follow the target, such as failing of crops, breaking of loved objects, dark clouds, swarms of crows or vultures, divorces, or even that most frightening ill-fortune: marriage. Because of this, the target is often an easy target for angry mobs and witch-hunts, should he or she be discovered as the source of the marriages. And all that other bad luck as well.

Desiccating Curse

All water turns to sand in the target’s mouth, causing the target to eventually wither away and die of dehydration unless the curse can be removed. Placing this curse on a large enough body of water could cause an entire town to die in a matter of days. For each days spent without water the target suffers a -10 to maximum health and suffers a -5 on all skill checks. By the fourth day, nearly any creature will die.

Intensity Effects

  1. A goblet, for an hour.
  2. A basin, for a day.
  3. A well, for a month.
  4. A fountain, for a year.
  5. A lake, permanently.