Broken Sniffer

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Physical Fault

Expoint Bonus: 4

Your sense of smell is greatly handicapped. While the root cause is probably a neurological problem, it could also be a minor curse. You take a -2 to Perception and Search checks which rely in any way on your sense of smell or taste.

Anosmia. Your sense of smell is completely absent. You don't perceive any odors nor register the flavors of any foods. Our advice: join a circus, become a skunk trainer. Somebody has to do it.

Parosmia. Parosmia is the incorrect interpretation of odors and flavors. You perceive pleasant odors as reminiscent of burning flesh, fish, vomit, or garbage. Sometimes particularly flavorful food will taste the same as it smells — terrible.

Phantosmia. Phantosmia causes you to perceive odors that aren't there. You often, inexplicably, smell mystery odors reminiscent of rancid milk, lavender, moldy earth, coffee beans, or manure.

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