Elemental Blast

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This spell has a dynamic essence
This spell can be powered by any element
Rarity 1
AP 3
Target Creature/Object
Distance Far
Lasts N/A
SaveGuard Roll

The mage sends a burst of elemental power rocketing towards a single target. The projectile is comprised of pure energy and is basically intangible, but charged with the aspects of a specific element. The mage makes a Magic Attack Roll. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes his Casting Roll, and the target makes its Guard Roll. The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each. In the fire school, this spell is known as This is a fire spell Fireball. In the ice school, it's called This is a ice spell Snowball. To earth mages, it's This is a earth spell Boulder. To air mages, it's This is a air spell Air Blast. Slime mages call this spell This is a slime spell Acid Ball. Metal mages refer to it as This is a metal spell Cannonball. Electricity mages call this spell This is a electricity spell Ball Lightning. Water mages call it This is a water spell Water Blast. In the verdance school, this spell is known as This is a verdance spell Radiation. In the ruin school, it's called This is a ruin spell Wrecking Ball. To light mages, it's This is a light spell Laser. To dark mages, it's This is a dark spell Dark Matter.

Intensity Effects

  1. +4 Spell Harm
  2. +8 Spell Harm
  3. +12 Spell Harm
  4. +16 Spell Harm
  5. +20 Spell Harm