Morficio Thanortall

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Prince Morficio is a warrior mage and third son of the House of Thanortall in Cydonya.


Morficio is known as the Minotaur of Cydonya. While his particular Gift is one of the most common in the world, there aren’t many Gifted in Cydonya. He stands extremely tall and large for a human, bordering nearly seven feet tall with the head and horns of a bull. Naturally, his septum is pierced with a stout golden ring. He dresses simply, in the colors of his house, and often walks bare-chested and adorned with a chain, marking him as a warrior-mage of Cydonya.


Morficio may be large and intimidating, perhaps grim and cruel at times, but he isn’t without a sense of humor. He is often sarcastic and possesses the kind of logic and presence only a public official or royalty could have.


Known Associates
