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Poison is a common weapon in the political world of kings and pawns. Then there are the exotic animals and monsters of the world with their natural venoms. Anything that poisons the blood and causes impairment is considered a poison. Some poisons enter the bloodstream through injury, some must be imbibed, and some can be absorbed through contact with the skin.

When a character is dosed with poison, a Vitality check is required. If you fail the Vitality check, you gain the poisoned condition and are subject to the effects of the poison for its duration. Each poison lists its duration in rounds. You must make another Vitality check each round for the duration of the poison to resist its detrimental effects for that round.

The effects of a poison depend on its level. Level Zero poisons don't cause any damage, but impose other effects, such as Knockout Track penalties or paralysis. Poisons of Level One through Five cause damage every round.