Triadan Civil War

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The Triadan Civil War broke out as a result of growing political tensions and difference of opinion in the governance of magic. The war began subtly, with sly political manuevering and a cold war between some of the most influential magi in the capital city of Rune. With the assassination of several of the Archmagi on the ruling council, outright fighting began. Up until that point, Triadus was the most powerful nation on the face of Jaeis, expanding the influence of the Triadan Empire across the world. The Civil War lasted for five years, at the height of which the entire city of Rune, the Triadan capital, was consumed in a cataclysm of potent magic.

The survivors of that terrible event and those who fled the city before Rune's destruction never returned as a community to Rune, and scattered across the world to form their own pro-magic communities. With the destruction of the capital city, and no unified leadership to govern it, the Triadan Empire fell apart and the cities which it encompassed achieved independence. The magi, who had enjoyed positions of leadership and high-class within the former Empire's cities, were no longer in a position to dictate their own terms. Many of the magi were invited to stay on as advisors, but forbidden to take places of absolute power. Others were forcibly chased from the cities or killed in their homes. For those non-magi who suffered through the civil war, the magi were to blame.

The social fallout from the Triadan Civil War is felt to the current day: magi live in a sort of semi-secrecy, with many of their organizations sequestered from much public interaction. Magic is no longer the wonderful, ubiquitous force of good in the world it was once thought to be, and instead has become a source of apprehension and fear for the common folk. Those who wield it are often misunderstood and persecuted by those who do not. As for the city of Rune, it has become a ruin. Strange phenomena happen within the bounds of the old city and the even the waters surrounding it are not deemed safe for sailors. The entire place is perpetually shrouded in mist and fog and bizarre weather strikes the surrounding area suddenly and violently. Rune has been given up as a ghost town, a place of ill fate.

Magic Organizations

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