Circle of Defiance

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This spell has a warding essence
This is a light ritual
Target Area
Ritual Points 10
RequirementsTime, Wealth, Mana

Harnessing the ancient power of protection and safety, this ritual provides an invisible barrier that can protect or entrap. Those performing the ritual construct an intricate circular diagram on the ground, using whatever means and materials necessary. Typically, the inscriptions and runes involved in this ritual are recorded using chalk, powdered gems, or even drawn in the dirt with a stick. Those performing the ritual can choose whether the circle allows movement in but not out (a capturing circle), or allows movement out but not in (a protective circle). Nothing harmful or living can penetrate the barrier (including fabricated creatures), however this ritual does not prevent Transportive magic or the Teleport Special Power.

The circle is permanent, however, once the inscriptions of the circle are disturbed, the power of the ritual disappears (a capturing circle can only be destroyed from the outside; a protective circle can only be destroyed from the inside).

In practical terms, the circle is actually a sphere, the outer perimeter of which is 10 feet from the center. Those performing the ritual can choose to enlarge the Circle of Defiance in increments of 10 feet. Each increment costs double the Ritual Points of the one before it. So for example, a 20 foot radius circle would cost 20 Ritual Points, but a 30 foot radius circle would cost 40.