Heat/Chill Object

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This spell has a unknown essence
This is a manipulation spell
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Object
Distance Contact
Lasts N/A

The mage calls upon the spirit of fire to amplify or reduce the heat of an object. The object remains in its altered state for 1 minute per rank in the school. The size of the object is dependent on the spell level.

Intensity Effects

  1. Something the size of a biscuit gives off steam or is very cool to the touch. Great for heating up dinner.
  2. Something the size of a cat frosts or simmers.
  3. Something the size of a human body ices over or becomes hot enough for bad burns. 5 damage.
  4. Something 100 cubic feet in volume, boils or reaches below freezing temperatures. 10 damage.
  5. Arctic chill or volcanic heat covering an immense object, like a bridge, or the deck of a boat. 20 damage.