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This is a aura spirit art
This is a deceiving spirit art
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Self
Distance Self
Lasts 10 minutes per rank

Just as burial dressings protect and preserve the dead, the spiritual fabric that separates this life from the next can envelop the living and tuck them away out of sight. The performer of this spirit art surrounds her own body and everything she carries with the obscuring fog of Styx itself. This casts a shadow over the life energy she exudes and draws her closer to the Spirit Realm.

While the effects are active, her presence and that of her equipment are undetectable by any means. There is no skill check, Casting Roll, or Focus Roll a creature can make to notice Shrouded spirit artists. Those who pass near one believe in their soul that no one is there — they'll actually go so far as to subconsciously avoid contact.

Concentration Effects

The degree to which the obscuring effects persist depends on the level of Concentration.

  1. The effects remain in place until the creature moves from its location or takes any action that would otherwise reveal its presence.
  2. The effects subside temporarily and the creature's presence is again noticeable while in motion, but they resume after one round spent motionless. The effects end if the creature takes offensive action.
  3. The effects subside temporarily and the creature's presence is again noticeable after offensive action, but they resume after disengaging and spending one round motionless.
  4. The effects remain in place even while the creature is in motion. Offensive action still causes the effects to subside temporarily.
  5. The creature gains the invisible condition while the obscuring effects temporarily subside.