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This is a step spirit art
This is a anchoring spirit art
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Creature
Distance Medium
Lasts 10 minutes per rank

A spirit can be bound to a point in space. Once tethered, any attempt to leave the area through physical, magical, or spiritual means is impossible. If the target fails its save, it becomes pinned in place on a short lead and gains the grabbed condition. Aside from the Realign spirit art, no power in the universe can snap the tether. If the tethered creature dies, its body is released from the imprisoning effects, but its spirit remains stuck fast for the remaining duration.

Concentration Effects

The Concentration at which Tether is performed blocks the creature from leaving using any journeying spirit art performed at the same level of Concentration or lower, or any transportive magic spell cast at the same level of Intensity or lower.