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Revision as of 13:21, 10 July 2007 by Blottonoir (talk)
Gaeis is a campaign setting for the Elysium role playing game. It was originally fathered by Dusty Blottenberger. Gaeis is the name of the world itself, comprised of 13 nations and the wilderness around them.
The 13 Nations
- Triadus
- Solosa
- Jeridon
- Halvmir
- Da Kar
- Qaeld
- Cadwal
- Bosemya
- Daerod
- Egund
- Isles of Norr
- Donya
- Te Nebra
Notable Characters
- King Horas Brantleon
- Arthur VanWebb
- Antony VanWebb
- Xeroseth
- Donya, Titan-Queen of Donya
- Seraph
- Walter Hume
- Maus
- Ghimmm
- Aesher Neigling
- Ghost