Mere, the Black Witch

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Ethnicity: Human
Height: 4'5"
Opponents: Triste, the Blue Witch
Callsign: The Black Witch


Mere looks like a very young girl, barely cresting 4.5 feet tall, with long black hair, a black pointed hat, black fingernails and black gown. She carries a broom with her which dwarfs her in height, and little else.


Most would consider Mere a cute, harmless little girl. They would be wrong. Mere is the cruelest of the Blue Wood Witches and delights in causing pain to others. The only exception to this are those who come to her for her ability as a Seer. Those who wish to know about their futures, fortunes, or misfortunes are exempt from her malice. She takes her abilities very seriously, even though she still walks, talks, and giggles like a small girl. However, those who refuse her services fall victim to her torment.


No one knows the truth of the story behind the Blue Wood coven, but several theories exist, including one which says that the witches are all the same woman, another which asserts that they are immortal, a third which assumes they are all related, and many, many others.

Known Associates
