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Magic-stones.svg This rule needs to become a Ritual! Give it some story flavor text and some mechanics.
This is a hand spirit art
This is a restoring spirit art
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Creature
Distance Contact
Lasts 1 day per rank

Legends hold that divine power can sustain mortals who wander the wastelands through inhospitable conditions. Using this spirit art, the performer can fill a targeted creature with life-giving energy that nourishes its body and soul. For the duration of Sustain, the target gains immunity to the dehydrated and starving conditions.

Concentration Effects

The Size of creature the spirit artist can sustain depends on the level of Concentration.

  1. Size −1 and below
  2. Size 1 and below
  3. Size 3 and below
  4. Size 5 and below
  5. Any Size creature