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Mental Fault

Expoint Bonus: 6

You have vague but intense fears that someone or something is out to get you. You never sit with your back to a doorway or window, always suspect you're being spied upon, feel unsafe in crowds, and have a hard time trusting anyone. Your eyes never cease darting to every corner of a room, and even the slightest sound sets you off in a paroxysm of startlement.

Most people tend to avoid you, you annoying freak, and even animals are unnerved by your agitation. You take a −2 penalty to Animal Control, Seduce, and Perform. Have fun muttering to yourself and looking over your shoulder every two seconds.

Twitchy goes hand in hand with Hyperactive and stimulant Addiction. Twitchy can also result from a Sixth Sense that's gone off the rails.

Incompatible with

Animal Kinship, Compos Mentis, Everybody's Best Friend, and Stage Presence