All great generals, kings, and ringleaders have several ranks in the Leadership skill. Use it to motivate your allies, or calm them in a pinch.
There are several uses for this skill.
First, you can use a Leadership roll in place of a Save Roll against fear or mind control for a number of allies equal to your number of ranks in Leadership (for example 3 ranks, 3 allies). In this use, your Leadership roll is against a Spell Attack from an opponent, so there is no DL.
Second, you must use Leadership to keep an NPC ally under your command if you put them in a mortally dangerous situation. Your Leadership roll is against their Discern using Insight as the key ability.
See the Trumps, Faults, and Special Powers section for information on the Natural Leader trump, or the Ally trump.
Opposed Rolls
In the first listed use of this skill, the roll is opposed by a Spell Attack. The second listed use is your skill roll against an ally's Discern and Insight.
Leadership rolls cannot be retried without spending a fate point.