Ashes to Ashes

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Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence
This is a ruin spell
Rarity 5
AP 4
Target Creature
Distance Near
Lasts N/A

The mage fires a beam of extremely destructive force towards a target. The mage makes a Magic Attack Roll. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes his Casting Roll, and the target makes its Resilience save. The caster must add its Size to the Casting Roll, and the target must add its Size to the Resilience save, and so large creatures get a bonus, and small creatures take a penalty. If failed, the target immediately begins to feel their very body harden and crumble away, leaving a pile of ash where the unfortunate creature stood.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 bonus to the Casting Roll
  2. +4 bonus
  3. +6 bonus
  4. +8 bonus
  5. +10 bonus