Song of the Mountains
From NsdWiki
- Horned Charge: At the end of a charge, if a Trowl makes a hand-to-hand gore attack, the bonus to damage from charging is increased from +2 to +4.
- Howl: A Trowl may spend 4 AP and 2 MP to perform a Trowl-howl. This is a sonic attack which shakes the ground in front of the Trowl. The howl has a 10 ft. wide, 20 ft. long radius originating from the Trowl and extending outwards in the direction faced. Anyone caught in this radius must make a Gymnastics check opposed against the Trowl's Perform or be thrown to the ground, prone and stunned.
- Mountain-dwellers: Since they are used to traversing the difficult terrain of the hills and mountains, Trowls receive a racial bonus of +2 to Grip for climbing.