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Typically used with: Endurance.
In short: don't drown. This is a skill in which heavily armored characters will want to invest. Verily, their life depends on it. When submerged in water, or slime, or any other liquid that allows for movement, a character can Swim to move, but more specifically to stay afloat.
The GM should feel free to call for Muscle in the check instead of Endurance if it's appropriate.
The DL for a swim check is determined by the strength of the current. It is also increased by the amount of weight the character is carrying.
Example | DL |
Calm water | 5 |
Water with a slight to moderate current | 10 |
Water with a moderate to strong current | 15 |
Choppy, turbulent water | 20 |
Nasty riptide | 25 |
Extremely active water, such as in an ocean hurricane or Class 5 river rapids | 30 |
Here are some situational penalties and bonuses to Swim checks.
Example | Check |
For every 10 pounds the character is carrying, not including their own body weight | −1 |
Character is employing the use of swimming-aiding devices, such as fins | +5 |
Character is wearing a life preserver or other floatation device | +10 |
Swim attempts can be retried as many times as necessary, but there are usually penalties for failing a swim check in dangerous waters.