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This is a step spirit art
This is a journeying spirit art
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Self
Distance Self
Lasts N/A

Your intense study of the flows of spirit energy has brought you a powerful technique. Rather, that technique brings you places. Riding the flows of qi, a spirit artist can instantly convey her very soul to a distant place, dragging her body and worn equipment along behind it. One can travel great distances instantaneously, reach higher or lower ground without climbing, as well as circumvent walls, floors, ceilings, or other obstacles.

The spirit artist can choose to appear in any location within the allowed range, whether this is a balcony she can see with the naked eye, a city on a map she's never visited, or alongside a far-off ally in need of reinforcements. The more familiar the spirit artist is with the destination, the more accurate her position when she teleports. For instance, teleporting to one of her get-aways is a snap: her hometown, base of operations, cherished vacation spot, or local bar. However, teleporting to a town she's never seen might place her a mile outside the gates if none of her close friends are there to guide her spirit.

Concentration Effects

The higher the Concentration, the further one can teleport.

  1. 1 mile
  2. 10 miles
  3. 100 miles
  4. 1,000 miles
  5. 10,000 miles