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Social Trump

Expoint Cost: 1

You have at least a little money. This trump is a measure of your funds, kiddo, whether it's in cold, hard cash or in the liquidation of belongings and such. At one point you got a piggy bank with a few spare dollars for a rainy day. At five points you are one sickly rich bastard and people wish they were you for all the things money can buy these days. Maybe you inherited a huge estate. Perhaps you have a keen business sense. Or perhaps you are just such a penny pincher that you still wear the same out of style clothing you did when you started that savings account. This Trump is especially valuable to adventurers and such who, with no stable income mostly, rely on saved cash. Each point of Wealth purchased gives the character 1,000𝕤. Pimp hat and leopard print sofa not included.

Purchasing the Wealth trump gives a character coinage. Once this coinage is spent, in part or in whole, it is gone, and will not just magically reappear. Characters can take this Trump as many times as they like.

Note: While this Trump is most commonly (and advisedly) taken at character creation, it may also be taken mid-campaign if the GM allows for suitable circumstances. Something along the lines of a rich relative passing away with no other suitable family to pass the liquidated assets along to, or a heretofore mundane item suddenly being revealed as a priceless heirloom both make for reasonable reasons why a character would be thousands of crowns richer. The sudden discovery of a large amount of cash laying around would fit, but windfalls like these rarely come without strings: the kind of strings which get people killed. An extremely generous mentor or lover might also work, but there should be an established precedent for such an event, like a Loved One or Mentor in the character's background.