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If mages are the chefs, spells are the recipes. Locating a spell might be the object of an in-game quest, or it might be as simple as asking your GM if it's OK to learn. As mentioned in the Magic chapter, spells could be very hard to find in a given geographical area. It's important to keep a balance between the number of spells your character knows and how effective each one is. Like all things in this game, you give up specialization for diversity depending on how you invest your earned Expoints.
Each spell contains the following information.
Each spell contains the following information.
;Expoint Cost
:The number of Expoints you must spend to learn the spell.
:As noted in the Magic chapter, every spell belongs to an essence that describes its makeup, purpose, and means of operation.
:The availability of the spell. Rarity is a number: one means popular, two means common, three means uncommon, four means rare, five means very rare, six means unique, and seven means no one in your world knows it… yet. Once your character learns a spell, you can further invest more skill points into that spell to improve its variable effects (e.g. area of effect, length of duration). As noted in the Magic chapter, a spell could be more or less rare in a geographical area or time period.
;Action Points
;Action Points
:The number of [[AP]] it takes to cast the spell.
:The number of [[AP]] it takes to cast the spell.
:What is the recipient of the spell's effects?
:The recipient of the spell's effects. The target is either ''Not Applicable'' (the spell just happens and there's no special target), ''Self'' (the spell affects the caster), ''Creature(s)'' (the spell affects one or more creatures), ''Object'' (the spell affects an inanimate object — sometimes only certain kinds of objects, such as things that are metal, or the remains of a creature), ''Area'' (the spell affects an area and anything within it).
:*No target – The spell just happens and there's no special target
:*Self – The spell affects the caster
:*Creature(s) – The spell affects a creature or creatures.
:*Object – The spell affects an inanimate object. Sometimes the spell can only target certain kinds of objects, such as things that are metal, or things that are made of ice.
:*Area – The spell affects an area and anything within it.
:How far away the caster can be from the target
:The maximum distance away from the target the caster can be. It's one of these five: self (the spell is meant for you alone), contact (you have to reach out and touch someone), near (15 ft. per Spell rank), medium (50 ft. per Spell rank), and far (150 ft. per Spell rank).
:*Contact – Must touch target
:*Near – 15ft. per school rank
:The amount of time the spell's effects continue. It could be none (if it's instantaneous), several rounds, days, or forever. Sometimes this is dependent on the number of ranks the caster has in the spell, sometimes it's dependent on the Intensity.
:*Medium – 50ft. per school rank
:*Far – 150ft. per school rank  
:The amount of time the spell's effects last. It could be none (if it's instantaneous), several rounds, days, or forever. Sometimes this is dependent on the number of ranks the caster has in the school, sometimes it's dependent on the spell level.
;Casting Attribute
:The [[:Category:Attributes|Attribute]] the caster uses to make the [[Spell Attack]] roll.
:The save which is allowed to the target.
:The save which is allowed to the target.
:Another spell which is opposite in nature and can be used to counter or dispel it.
:When a mage learns a spell, it is learned from a specific elemental school. Spells available in multiple schools list the symbol of each. Spells with no elemental symbols are available in ''all'' elemental schools. A spell available in multiple elemental schools may behave differently depending on the element that powers it.
==List of Spells==
==List of Spells==
This is a list of essences and the spells available within each.
* Asphyxiate Suffocate. Deprive a target of air.
* <del>Air Whip</del>
* Bubble
* A House Divided Turn your enemies against each other
* <del>Cloud Step</del>
* Antagonism – Make others right angry
* <del>Call Storm</del>
* Confuse – Make creatures act randomly
* Control Winds
* <del>Control Plants</del> – Make plants do your bidding
* <del>Darkcloud</del>
* Demoralize Scare the pants off 'em
* Elemental Blast Air Ball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Disenchant Remove enchantments
* Elemental Field Wind Wall. Conjure a wall of damaging elemental energy.
* Elemental Healing – Healing Wind. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Elemental Messenger – Whispering Wind. Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Onslaught – Twister. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Portation Airwalk. Travel between two points
* Elemental Weaponry –  Weapon of Wind. Conjure or augment a magic air weapon
* Fluid Body – Mister Mist. Turn yourself into a rolling vapor.
* Fly
* Nauseating Breeze – Penalties due to illness.
* Pheromones
* Run Like the Wind
* Scent
* Summon Elemental
* Summon Fog
* A House Divided
* <del>Backlash</del>
* Befriend
* <del>Brainwash</del>
* <del>Dominate</del>
* <del>Dominate</del>
* Enchant
* Endearment – Make others more amiable
* Enrage
* Enthrall – Distract an audience
* <del>Enthrall</del>
* Insanity – Take someone to crazy town
* <del>Insanity</del>
* <del>Link Fates</del>
* Marionette
* <del>Morale</del>
* <del>Morale</del>
* <del>Reverse Polarity</del>
* Pheromones – Friendship through chemistry
* Sadism – Drive a creature to harm others
* <del>Stupefy</del>
* <del>Stupefy</del>
* Sudden Death
* Suggest – Tell 'em what to do
* Suggest
* Amplify – Make Perception checks easier
* Curse
* Barrier – Conjure a solid, protective wall
* Darkness
* Disease
* Feign Death
* <del>Health Drain</del>
* Inflict Pain
* <del>Insanity</del>
* <del>Mana Drain</del>
* <del>Mask Aura</del>
* <del>Parasitic Weapon</del>
* Sadism
* Steal Strength
* Steal Soul
* Sudden Death
* <del>Summon Zombie</del>
* <del>Torrent of Blood</del>
* Barrier – Stonewall. Conjure a solid, protective wall
* <del>Earthquake</del>
* Elemental Blast – Boulderball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Elemental Healing – Rock Rehab. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Elemental Messenger – Ear to the Ground. Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Onslaught – Meteor. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Portation – Rock and Roll. Travel between two points
* Elemental Weaponry – Weapon of Earth. Conjure or augment a magic earth weapon
* Harden/Soften Earth
* Hardened Body – Diamondback. Gain tougher skin for offense and defense
* <del>Petrify</del>
* Safe Haven
* <del>Shatter</del>
* Shift Element – Dig. Move earth and rock around
* Stoneswim
* Summon Elemental
* <del>Call Storm</del>
* <del>Call Storm</del>
* Calm/Enrage the Sea – Surf's up (or down)
* <del>Clog</del>
* <del>Control Current</del>
* <del>Control Current</del>
* Dangerous Body Shocking Personality. Cover yourself in lightning to punish assailants
* Control Fire
* Elemental Blast – Ball Lightning. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Control Winds Breeze to gale or vice versa.
* Elemental Field Electric Fence. Conjure a wall of damaging elemental energy.
* Dancing Whips – Summon animated weaponry to attack, trip, disarm, or entangle.
* Elemental Healing Shock Therapy. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Darkness – Turn out the lights
* Elemental Messenger – Live Wire. Send a message through an elemental
* Earthquake – Trip creatures
* Elemental Onslaught – Seven Thunders. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Blast – Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target
* Elemental Portation Ride the Lightning. Travel between two points
* Elemental Catastrophe Decimate an area with an elemental attack
* Elemental Weaponry – Lightning Brand. Conjure or augment a magic lightning weapon
* Elemental Grasp Touch a target and deal elemental damage
* Lightning Bolt
* Elemental Onslaught – Cover an area with an elemental attack
* Elemental Strike A target receives an elemental attack from below
* Elemental Weaponry – Conjure or augment a magic weapon
* Field Trip – Trip others with a slippery surface
* Flare – Temporarily blinds others
* <del>Heat/Cool Water</del>
* <del>Hose</del> – Knock targets over
* Hush – Make Perception checks harder
* Light – Illuminate dark places
* Lightning Bolt – Shock and stun others
* Lumberjack – Grow useful objects
* <del>Master of Magnetism</del>
* Magnetize – Grants disarm bonuses to metal weapons
* Nullify Magic – Erases the arcane
* <del>Rubber Soul</del>
* <del>Rubber Soul</del>
* Summon Elemental
* Stay Put Trap creatures' hands and feet
* <del>Summon Void</del>
* Blackflame
* Thunder – Deafen and trip enemies
* Control Fire
* Web – Trap somebody in a sticky net
* Dangerous Body Immolate. Cover yourself in fire to punish assailants
* Eternal Fire
* Blackflame Cloak a fire in darkness
* Elemental Blast – Fireball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Blur Make it harder to see you
* Elemental Field – Firewall. Conjure a wall of damaging elemental energy.
* Cacophony Penalties due to distracting noises
* Elemental Healing – Fire Healing. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Conjure Food Illusory food staves off hunger
* Elemental Messenger – Smoke Signal. Send a message through an elemental
* Diversion A pretend noise; great for pranks
* Elemental Onslaught – Firestorm. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Eternal Fire Permanent light source
* Elemental Portation – Up in Smoke. Travel between two points
* False Bottom Hide stuff beyond a fake surface
* Elemental Weaponry – Firebrand. Conjure or augment a magic fire weapon
* Feign Death Become comatose
* Flare
* <del>Pixie Flame</del>
* Rocket Boots
* Summon Elemental
* Barrier Ice Wall. Conjure a solid, protective wall
* <del>Conjure Ice</del>
* Elemental Blast Snowball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Elemental Healing Cold Compress. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Elemental Messenger Morse Cold. Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Onslaught Iceberg. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Portation Snowdrift. Travel between two points
* Elemental Weaponry Frost Brand. Conjure or augment a magic cold weapon
* Encase in Ice
* <del>Flash Freeze</del>
* Hardened Body – Cold Hearted. Gain tougher skin for offense and defense
* Shift Element Snow Plow. Move ice and snow around
* <del>Snow Shoes</del>
* Summon Elemental
* Blur
* <del>Figment</del>
* <del>Figment</del>
* Invisibility
* Invisibility – You disappear
* <del>Mask Aura</del>
* <del>Mask Aura</del>
* Masquerade – Devise false appearances for you and your buddies
* Masquerade – Devise false appearances for you and your buddies
* Mirror Selves – Misdirect your opponents with stunt doubles
* Mirror Selves – Misdirect your opponents with stunt doubles
* <del>Pixie Flame</del>
* Shadow Puppet – Seemingly real remote-control objects and creatures
* Summon Fog – Make it hard to see
* You and What Army? – Cow your opponents with illusory allies
* You and What Army? – Cow your opponents with illusory allies
* Cure
* Age – Make a person temporarily older
* Disenchant
* <del>Alchemist's Dream</del>
* Flare
* Ashes to Ashes – Disintegrate a creature
* <del>Laser</del>
* <del>Awaken Tree</del> – Make a tree fight for you
* Light
* <del>Congeal/Liquify</del>
* Remove Paralysis
* Revive Remove Knockout penalties
* Blackflame
* Copycat
* Copycat
* Fly
* Dangerous Body – Cover yourself in an element to punish assailants
* Lock
* Demolition – Explode earthen objects
* <del>Morph Other</del>
* Flight – Take to the skies and float back down when it's over
* <del>Petrify</del>
* <del>Float</del>
* <del>Rubberflesh</del>
* Fluid Body – Turn yourself into a puddle
* Footgear – Traverse impossible materials without trace
* <del>Full Metal Jacket</del>
* <del>Grow</del> – Easy farming
* Hardened Body – Gain tougher skin for offense and defense
* Harden/Soften Earth – Mud to rock or back again
* Lock – Open, shut, lock, and unlock any opening or mechanism
* <del>Melt</del>
* Metamorphose Liquid – Turn one liquid into another
* Marionette – Move a creature against its will
* Paralysis – Keep a person from moving
* Petrify – Turn a creature to stone
* Phasing – The mage can swim right through solid objects
* <del>Photosynthesis</del> – Recover health in the sunlight
* Polymorph – Princess into frog; elephant into mouse
* Pool Shark – Breathe underwater and other useful abilities
* Resize – Shrink or enlarge a creature
* Revert – Undo mutative spells
* Rocket Boots – Fly ''really'' fast
* Rubberflesh – Stretchy limbs, bouncy body
* Run Like the Wind – Add to speed
* Safe Haven – Personal motel for you and your buddies
* <del>Shapeshift</del>
* <del>Shapeshift</del>
* <del>Shrink/Enlarge</del>
* Shift Element Move earth, ice, or water around
* Strip
* <del>Time Stop</del>
* Treelimb
* <del>Alchemist's Dream</del>
* Barrier Steel Stockade. Conjure a solid, protective wall
* <del>Curse of the Smith</del>
* Dance of Steel
* Elemental Blast – Cannonball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Elemental Healing – Acupuncture. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Elemental Messenger – Steelspeech. Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Onslaught – Bullet Storm. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Portation – Steel Slide. Travel between two points
* Elemental Weaponry – Metalsmith. Conjure or augment a magic metal weapon
* <del>Full Metal Jacket</del>
* Hardened Body – Juggernaut. Gain tougher skin for offense and defense
* Lock
* <del>Master of Magnetism</del>
* Melt
* Pass Through Metal
* <del>Ricochet</del>
* <del>Rust</del>
* Steelshape
* Steelshape
* Summon Elemental
* Strip – Take away another's item
* <del>Summon Metal Weapon/Armor</del>
* Telekinesis – Shove things around remotely
* Unbuckle
* <del>Tongue Tie</del> – Makes it hard to speak
* Youth – Make a person temporarily younger
* Comprehend Language
* Wall Crawler – Effortless climbing
* <del>Detect Charm</del>
* Comprehend Language – Cunning linguistics
* Dis Illusion – See through illusions
* Dis Illusion – See through illusions
* Enhance Senses
* Enhance Senses – Better sight, hearing, and/or scent
* Farsight
* Farsight – See things from far away
* Foresight
* Foresight – See things before they happen
* Hear Thoughts
* Hear Thoughts – Eavesdrop on the unspoken
* Infrared Eyes
* Infrared Eyes – Detect heat sources by sight
* Nightvision
* Lookout – See through the eyes of tiny spies
* Prophecy
* Nightvision – See better in the dark
* <del>Prophecy</del>
* <del>Read Aura</del>
* <del>Read Aura</del>
* Psychometry – Divine the history of objects and remains
* Psychometry – Divine the history of objects and remains
* Scent
* See Magic – Visually identify magic at work
* <del>See Invisibility</del>
* See Magic
* <del>Them Bones</del>
* <del>Them Bones</del>
* X-Ray Vision
* <del>Treetalk</del> – Speak for the trees
* X-Ray Vision – See through solid objects
* Banish
* Elemental Portation
* Asphyxiate – Deprive a target of air
* Gate Key
* Blindness/Deafness/Muteness – Make people unable to either see, hear, or speak
* <del>Invitation Only</del>
* Blood Corruption – Magically poison a creature
* Lock
* Decay – Attack and corrode metallic weapons, armor, and creatures
* Portation Ward Portation spells cannot work
* Decontamination – Remove physical effect spells
* Quick Portal
* Disease – Infect a creature
* Elemental Healing – Recover HP from elemental damage
* Famine – Force a creature to starve
* Haste – Add Action Points
* Health Drain – Sap away HP
* Inflict Pain – Knock out opponents
* Lifesaver – Remove some Death Marks
* Nauseating Breeze – Penalties due to illness
* Repulsion – Penalties due to illness
* Scar – Deal Tainted Damage
* Sleep – Bed time
* Stagnation – Remove Action Points
* Steal Strength – Sap away Muscle
* Sudden Death – Hand a creature some Death Marks
* Thermoregulate – Boil or freeze a creature's blood
* Thirst – Force a creature to dehydrate
* Wraith Harrow – Inflict harm with a touch; armor is useless
* Banish – "You're dismissed!"
* Elemental Messenger – Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Portation – Travel between two points
* Gate Key – Anyone that touches an item is sent away
* Quick Portal – Any opening becomes a portal between locations
* Safe Keeping – Have an elemental store an item
* Summon Elemental Title says it all
* Teleport Circle
* <del>Request Animal</del>
* <del>Request Animal</del>
* Store Object
* <del>Summon Ally</del>
* <del>Summon Ally</del>
* Teleport Circle
* <del>Summon Metal Weapon/Armor</del>
* Age – Make a person temporarily older
* Aura of Decay
* <del>Ashes to Ashes</del>
* Curse – Penalties to all rolls
* <del>Entropic Sphere</del>
* Erode Spirit
* Nullify Magic
* <del>Rusty Caress</del>
* Psychometry – Divine the history of objects and remains
* Scar
* <del>Shatter</del>
* <del>Summon Void</del>
* Slow – Remove Action Points
* <del>Thirst</del>
* Wilt
* Acid Blood
* <del>Adder's Kiss</del>
* Asphyxiate – Smother. Deprive a target of air.
* <del>Clog</del>
* <del>Congeal/Liquify</del>
* Elemental Blast – Acid Ball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Elemental Field – Corrosive Cage. Conjure a wall of damaging elemental energy.
* Elemental Healing – Corrosive Cure. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Elemental Messenger – Slick Missive. Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Onslaught – Acid Rain. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Portation – Snot Rocket. Travel between two points
* Elemental Weaponry – Acid Armament. Conjure or augment a magic slime weapon
* Fluid Body – Ectoplosmic Form. Turn yourself into a stream of goop
* Glue
* Grease
* Poison – Magically poison a creature
* <del>Rust/Corrode</del>
* Summon Elemental
* <del>Tentacles</del>
* <del>Tongue Tie</del>
* Web
* Alarm – Know when you've got company
* Alarm – Know when you've got company
* Amplify – Make Perception checks easier
* Brown Note – Penalties due to illness
* Cacophony – Penalties due to distracting noises
* Deafness/Muteness – Make people unable to hear or speak
* False Sound – A pretend noise. Great for pranks.
* Hush – Make Perception checks harder
* Lullaby – Bed time
* Song of the Sirens – Make friends
* Sonic Boom – Hurt your enemies with sound
* Sound Ward – Silence is golden
* Sudden Death – Banshee's Wail. Death by stereo
* Suggest – Tell 'em what to do
* Thunder – Deafen and trip enemies
* Bless – Bonuses to all rolls
* Blindness/Deafness/Muteness – Make people unable to either see, hear, or speak.
* <del>Confuse</del> – Make an enemy go a little bonkers
* Cure – Remove physical effect spells
* Curse – Penalties to all rolls
* Disenchant – Remove enchantments
* Haste – Add Action Points
* <del>Paralyze</del> – Keep a person from moving
* <del>Petrify</del> – Turn a creature to stone
* Poison – Magically poison a creature
* Remove Paralysis – Get rid of magic paralysis
* Revive – Remove Knockout penalties
* Sicken – Penalties due to illness
* Sleep – Bed time
* Slow – Remove Action Points
* <del>Awaken Tree</del>
* Bless
* <del>Control Plants</del>
* <del>Enervate</del>
* <del>Enlarge</del>
* <del>Grow</del>
* Haste
* <del>Photosynthesis</del>
* <del>Root</del>
* Rose's Fury – Summon some plant weaponry
* Safe Haven
* Treelimb
* Treestride
* <del>Treetalk</del>
* Youth – Make a person temporarily younger
* Attack Ward – Keep 'em away
* Attack Ward – Keep 'em away
* Circle of Defiance
* Bubble – Protect you and your buddies from outside effects.
* <del>Death Ward</del> Don't die so easily
* Death Ward – Stygian spells cannot work
* Divination Ward – Shut prying eyes
* Divination Ward – Shut prying eyes
* <del>Entrapment Ward</del> – Stay free
* <del>Entrapment Ward</del> – Stay free
* Invitation Only – Keep some out
* <del>Karma Ward</del> – When you get hurt, so do they
* <del>Karma Ward</del> – When you get hurt, so do they
* Mental Ward – Immunity to Mind Control
* Mental Ward – Compulsory spells cannot work
* <del>Missile Ward</del> – Avoid arrows, bullets, and the like
* <del>Missile Ward</del> – Avoid arrows, bullets, and the like
* <del>Movement Ward</del> – Keep a person from moving
* <del>Movement Ward</del> – Keep a person from moving
* Poison Ward – Immunity to poison
* Poison Ward – Immunity to poison
* Portation Ward – Portation spells cannot work
* Portation Ward – Transportive spells cannot work
* Sound Ward – Silence is golden
* Sound Ward – Silence is golden
* Spell Ward – Stop magic entirely
* Spell Ward – Stop magic entirely
* Weather Proof Stay comfortable in extreme temperatures
* Asphyxiate – Drown. Deprive a target of air.
* <del>Call Storm</del>
* Calm/Enrage the Sea
* <del>Control Water</del>
* <del>Curse Water</del>
* <del>Driving Rain</del>
* Elemental Blast – Waterball. Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target.
* Elemental Field – Wall of Water. Conjure a wall of damaging elemental energy.
* Elemental Healing – Healing Water. Recover HP from elemental damage
* Elemental Messenger Babbling Brook. Send a message through an elemental
* Elemental Onslaught – Deluge. Cover an area with an elemental attack.
* Elemental Portation – Water Slide. Travel between two points
* Elemental Weaponry – Weapon of Water. Conjure or augment a magic water weapon
* <del>Float</del>
* Fluid Body – Body of Water. Turn yourself into a puddle of water
* <del>Heat/Cool Water</del>
* <del>Hose</del>
* Metamorphose Liquid
* Pool Shark
* <del>Rain Dance</del>
* Shift Element – Floodwaters. Move water around
* Summon Elemental
* <del>Thirst</del>
* Water Walk
===A House Divided===
{{:A House Divided}}
===Acid Armament===
{{:Acid Armament}}
===Acid Ball===
{{:Acid Ball}}
===Acid Blood===
{{:Acid Blood}}
===Acid Rain===
{{:Acid Rain}}
===Air Ball===
{{:Air Ball}}
===Ashes to Ashes===
{{:Ashes to Ashes}}
===Attack Ward===
===Attack Ward===
{{:Attack Ward}}
{{:Attack Ward}}
===Aura of Decay===
===A House Divided===
{{:Aura of Decay}}
{{:A House Divided}}
===Babbling Brook===
{{:Babbling Brook}}
===Ball Lightning===
{{:Ball Lightning}}
===Banshee's Wail===
{{:Banshees Wail}}
===Blood Corruption===
{{:Blood Corruption}}
===Body of Water===
{{:Body of Water}}
===Bullet Storm===
{{:Bullet Storm}}
===Brown Note===
{{:Brown Note}}
===Circle of Defiance===
{{:Circle of Defiance}}
===Cold Compress===
{{:Cold Compress}}
===Cold Hearted===
{{:Cold Hearted}}
===Comprehend Language===
===Comprehend Language===
{{:Comprehend Language}}
{{:Comprehend Language}}
===Conjure Food===
===Conjure Food===
{{:Conjure Food}}
{{:Conjure Food}}
Line 430: Line 250:
===Corrosive Cage===
===Dancing Whips===
{{:Corrosive Cage}}
{{:Dancing Whips}}
===Corrosive Cure===
{{:Corrosive Cure}}
===Dance of Steel===
{{:Dance of Steel}}
===Dangerous Body===
===Dangerous Body===
{{:Dangerous Body}}
{{:Dangerous Body}}
===Death Ward===
{{:Death Ward}}
Line 458: Line 274:
===Dis Illusion===
===Dis Illusion===
{{:Dis Illusion}}
{{:Dis Illusion}}
===Divination Ward===
===Divination Ward===
{{:Divination Ward}}
{{:Divination Ward}}
===Ear to the Ground===
{{:Ear to the Ground}}
===Ectoplasmic Form===
{{:Ectoplasmic Form}}
===Electric Fence===
{{:Electric Fence}}
===Elemental Blast===
===Elemental Blast===
{{:Elemental Blast}}
{{:Elemental Blast}}
===Elemental Catastrophe===
{{:Elemental Catastrophe}}
===Elemental Field===
===Elemental Field===
{{:Elemental Field}}
{{:Elemental Field}}
===Elemental Grasp===
{{:Elemental Grasp}}
===Elemental Healing===
===Elemental Healing===
{{:Elemental Healing}}
{{:Elemental Healing}}
Line 480: Line 296:
===Elemental Portation===
===Elemental Portation===
{{:Elemental Portation}}
{{:Elemental Portation}}
===Elemental Strike===
{{:Elemental Strike}}
===Elemental Weaponry===
===Elemental Weaponry===
{{:Elemental Weaponry}}
{{:Elemental Weaponry}}
===Encase in Ice===
{{:Encase in Ice}}
===Enhance Senses===
===Enhance Senses===
{{:Enhance Senses}}
{{:Enhance Senses}}
===Erode Spirit===
{{:Erode Spirit}}
===Eternal Fire===
===Eternal Fire===
{{:Eternal Fire}}
{{:Eternal Fire}}
===False Sound===
===False Bottom===
{{:False Sound}}
{{:False Bottom}}
===Feign Death===
===Feign Death===
{{:Feign Death}}
{{:Feign Death}}
===Field Trip===
{{:Field Trip}}
{{:Fire Brand}}
===Fire Healing===
{{:Fire Healing}}
===Fluid Body===
===Fluid Body===
{{:Fluid Body}}
{{:Fluid Body}}
===Frost Brand===
{{:Frost Brand}}
===Gate Key===
===Gate Key===
{{:Gate Key}}
{{:Gate Key}}
Line 534: Line 336:
===Hardened Body===
===Hardened Body===
{{:Hardened Body}}
{{:Hardened Body}}
===Healing Water===
===Health Drain===
{{:Healing Water}}
{{:Health Drain}}
===Healing Wind===
{{:Healing Wind}}
===Hear Thoughts===
===Hear Thoughts===
{{:Hear Thoughts}}
{{:Hear Thoughts}}
===Ice Wall===
{{:Ice Wall}}
===Inflict Pain===
===Inflict Pain===
{{:Inflict Pain}}
{{:Inflict Pain}}
===Infrared Eyes===
===Infrared Eyes===
{{:Infrared Eyes}}
{{:Infrared Eyes}}
===Invitation Only===
{{:Invitation Only}}
===Lightning Bolt===
===Lightning Bolt===
{{:Lightning Bolt}}
{{:Lightning Bolt}}
===Lightning Brand===
{{:Lightning Brand}}
===Live Wire===
{{:Live Wire}}
Line 576: Line 374:
===Metamorphose Liquid===
===Metamorphose Liquid===
{{:Metamorphose Liquid}}
{{:Metamorphose Liquid}}
===Mirror Selves===
===Mirror Selves===
{{:Mirror Selves}}
{{:Mirror Selves}}
===Mister Mist===
{{:Mister Mist}}
===Morse Cold===
{{:Morse Cold}}
===Nauseating Breeze===
===Nauseating Breeze===
{{:Nauseating Breeze}}
{{:Nauseating Breeze}}
Line 590: Line 382:
===Nullify Magic===
===Nullify Magic===
{{:Nullify Magic}}
{{:Nullify Magic}}
===Pass Through Metal===
{{:Pass Through Metal}}
===Poison Ward===
===Poison Ward===
{{:Poison Ward}}
{{:Poison Ward}}
===Pool Shark===
===Pool Shark===
{{:Pool Shark}}
{{:Pool Shark}}
Line 604: Line 400:
===Quick Portal===
===Quick Portal===
{{:Quick Portal}}
{{:Quick Portal}}
===Remove Paralysis===
{{:Remove Paralysis}}
===Ride the Lightning===
{{:Ride the Lightning}}
===Rocket Boots===
===Rocket Boots===
{{:Rocket Boots}}
{{:Rocket Boots}}
===Rock and Roll===
{{:Rock and Roll}}
===Rock Rehab===
{{:Rock Rehab}}
===Rose's Fury===
{{:Roses Fury}}
===Run Like the Wind===
===Run Like the Wind===
{{:Run Like the Wind}}
{{:Run Like the Wind}}
Line 628: Line 418:
===Safe Keeping===
{{:Safe Keeping}}
===See Magic===
===See Magic===
{{:See Magic}}
{{:See Magic}}
===Seven Thunders===
===Shadow Puppet===
{{:Seven Thunders}}
{{:Shadow Puppet}}
===Shift Element===
===Shift Element===
{{:Shift Element}}
{{:Shift Element}}
===Shocking Personality===
{{:Shocking Personality}}
===Shock Therapy===
{{:Shock Therapy}}
===Slick Missive===
{{:Slick Missive}}
===Smoke Signal===
{{:Smoke Signal}}
===Snot Rocket===
{{:Snot Rocket}}
===Snow Plow===
{{:Snow Plow}}
===Song of the Sirens===
{{:Song of the Sirens}}
===Sonic Boom===
{{:Sonic Boom}}
===Sound Ward===
===Sound Ward===
{{:Sound Ward}}
{{:Sound Ward}}
===Spell Ward===
===Spell Ward===
{{:Spell Ward}}
{{:Spell Ward}}
===Steal Soul===
{{:Steal Soul}}
===Stay Put===
{{:Stay Put}}
===Steal Strength===
===Steal Strength===
{{:Steal Strength}}
{{:Steal Strength}}
===Steel Slide===
===Steel Stockade===
{{:Steel Stockade}}
===Store Object===
{{:Store Object}}
===Sudden Death===
===Sudden Death===
{{:Sudden Death}}
{{:Sudden Death}}
Line 700: Line 452:
===Summon Fog===
===Summon Fog===
{{:Summon Fog}}
{{:Summon Fog}}
===Teleport Circle===
===Teleport Circle===
{{:Teleport Circle}}
{{:Teleport Circle}}
===Wall Crawler===
{{:Wall Crawler}}
===Weather Proof===
{{:Weather Proof}}
===Up in Smoke===
{{:Up in Smoke}}
===Wall of Water===
{{:Wall of Water}}
===Water Slide===
{{:Water Slide}}
===Water Walk===
{{:Water Walk}}
===Weapon of Earth===
{{:Weapon of Earth}}
===Weapon of Water===
{{:Weapon of Water}}
===Weapon of Wind===
{{:Weapon of Wind}}
===Whispering Wind===
===Wraith Harrow===
{{:Whispering Wind}}
{{:Wraith Harrow}}
===Wind Wall===
{{:Wind Wall}}
===X-Ray Vision===
===X-Ray Vision===
{{:X-Ray Vision}}
{{:X-Ray Vision}}

Latest revision as of 18:59, 14 March 2022

If mages are the chefs, spells are the recipes. Locating a spell might be the object of an in-game quest, or it might be as simple as asking your GM if it's OK to learn. As mentioned in the Magic chapter, spells could be very hard to find in a given geographical area. It's important to keep a balance between the number of spells your character knows and how effective each one is. Like all things in this game, you give up specialization for diversity depending on how you invest your earned Expoints.


Each spell contains the following information.

As noted in the Magic chapter, every spell belongs to an essence that describes its makeup, purpose, and means of operation.
The availability of the spell. Rarity is a number: one means popular, two means common, three means uncommon, four means rare, five means very rare, six means unique, and seven means no one in your world knows it… yet. Once your character learns a spell, you can further invest more skill points into that spell to improve its variable effects (e.g. area of effect, length of duration). As noted in the Magic chapter, a spell could be more or less rare in a geographical area or time period.
Action Points
The number of AP it takes to cast the spell.
The recipient of the spell's effects. The target is either Not Applicable (the spell just happens and there's no special target), Self (the spell affects the caster), Creature(s) (the spell affects one or more creatures), Object (the spell affects an inanimate object — sometimes only certain kinds of objects, such as things that are metal, or the remains of a creature), Area (the spell affects an area and anything within it).
The maximum distance away from the target the caster can be. It's one of these five: self (the spell is meant for you alone), contact (you have to reach out and touch someone), near (15 ft. per Spell rank), medium (50 ft. per Spell rank), and far (150 ft. per Spell rank).
The amount of time the spell's effects continue. It could be none (if it's instantaneous), several rounds, days, or forever. Sometimes this is dependent on the number of ranks the caster has in the spell, sometimes it's dependent on the Intensity.
The save which is allowed to the target.
Another spell which is opposite in nature and can be used to counter or dispel it.
When a mage learns a spell, it is learned from a specific elemental school. Spells available in multiple schools list the symbol of each. Spells with no elemental symbols are available in all elemental schools. A spell available in multiple elemental schools may behave differently depending on the element that powers it.

List of Spells

This is a list of essences and the spells available within each.


  • A House Divided – Turn your enemies against each other
  • Antagonism – Make others right angry
  • Confuse – Make creatures act randomly
  • Control Plants – Make plants do your bidding
  • Demoralize – Scare the pants off 'em
  • Disenchant – Remove enchantments
  • Dominate
  • Endearment – Make others more amiable
  • Enthrall – Distract an audience
  • Insanity – Take someone to crazy town
  • Morale
  • Pheromones – Friendship through chemistry
  • Sadism – Drive a creature to harm others
  • Stupefy
  • Suggest – Tell 'em what to do


  • Amplify – Make Perception checks easier
  • Barrier – Conjure a solid, protective wall
  • Call Storm
  • Calm/Enrage the Sea – Surf's up (or down)
  • Clog
  • Control Current
  • Control Fire
  • Control Winds – Breeze to gale or vice versa.
  • Dancing Whips – Summon animated weaponry to attack, trip, disarm, or entangle.
  • Darkness – Turn out the lights
  • Earthquake – Trip creatures
  • Elemental Blast – Hurl a ball of elemental energy at a target
  • Elemental Catastrophe – Decimate an area with an elemental attack
  • Elemental Grasp – Touch a target and deal elemental damage
  • Elemental Onslaught – Cover an area with an elemental attack
  • Elemental Strike – A target receives an elemental attack from below
  • Elemental Weaponry – Conjure or augment a magic weapon
  • Field Trip – Trip others with a slippery surface
  • Flare – Temporarily blinds others
  • Heat/Cool Water
  • Hose – Knock targets over
  • Hush – Make Perception checks harder
  • Light – Illuminate dark places
  • Lightning Bolt – Shock and stun others
  • Lumberjack – Grow useful objects
  • Master of Magnetism
  • Magnetize – Grants disarm bonuses to metal weapons
  • Nullify Magic – Erases the arcane
  • Rubber Soul
  • Stay Put – Trap creatures' hands and feet
  • Summon Void
  • Thunder – Deafen and trip enemies
  • Web – Trap somebody in a sticky net


  • Blackflame – Cloak a fire in darkness
  • Blur – Make it harder to see you
  • Cacophony – Penalties due to distracting noises
  • Conjure Food – Illusory food staves off hunger
  • Diversion – A pretend noise; great for pranks
  • Eternal Fire – Permanent light source
  • False Bottom – Hide stuff beyond a fake surface
  • Feign Death – Become comatose
  • Figment
  • Invisibility – You disappear
  • Mask Aura
  • Masquerade – Devise false appearances for you and your buddies
  • Mirror Selves – Misdirect your opponents with stunt doubles
  • Pixie Flame
  • Shadow Puppet – Seemingly real remote-control objects and creatures
  • Summon Fog – Make it hard to see
  • You and What Army? – Cow your opponents with illusory allies


  • Age – Make a person temporarily older
  • Alchemist's Dream
  • Ashes to Ashes – Disintegrate a creature
  • Awaken Tree – Make a tree fight for you
  • Congeal/Liquify
  • Copycat
  • Dangerous Body – Cover yourself in an element to punish assailants
  • Demolition – Explode earthen objects
  • Flight – Take to the skies and float back down when it's over
  • Float
  • Fluid Body – Turn yourself into a puddle
  • Footgear – Traverse impossible materials without trace
  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Grow – Easy farming
  • Hardened Body – Gain tougher skin for offense and defense
  • Harden/Soften Earth – Mud to rock or back again
  • Lock – Open, shut, lock, and unlock any opening or mechanism
  • Melt
  • Metamorphose Liquid – Turn one liquid into another
  • Marionette – Move a creature against its will
  • Paralysis – Keep a person from moving
  • Petrify – Turn a creature to stone
  • Phasing – The mage can swim right through solid objects
  • Photosynthesis – Recover health in the sunlight
  • Polymorph – Princess into frog; elephant into mouse
  • Pool Shark – Breathe underwater and other useful abilities
  • Resize – Shrink or enlarge a creature
  • Revert – Undo mutative spells
  • Rocket Boots – Fly really fast
  • Rubberflesh – Stretchy limbs, bouncy body
  • Run Like the Wind – Add to speed
  • Safe Haven – Personal motel for you and your buddies
  • Shapeshift
  • Shift Element – Move earth, ice, or water around
  • Steelshape
  • Strip – Take away another's item
  • Telekinesis – Shove things around remotely
  • Tongue Tie – Makes it hard to speak
  • Youth – Make a person temporarily younger
  • Wall Crawler – Effortless climbing


  • Comprehend Language – Cunning linguistics
  • Dis Illusion – See through illusions
  • Enhance Senses – Better sight, hearing, and/or scent
  • Farsight – See things from far away
  • Foresight – See things before they happen
  • Hear Thoughts – Eavesdrop on the unspoken
  • Infrared Eyes – Detect heat sources by sight
  • Lookout – See through the eyes of tiny spies
  • Nightvision – See better in the dark
  • Prophecy
  • Read Aura
  • Psychometry – Divine the history of objects and remains
  • See Magic – Visually identify magic at work
  • Them Bones
  • Treetalk – Speak for the trees
  • X-Ray Vision – See through solid objects


  • Asphyxiate – Deprive a target of air
  • Blindness/Deafness/Muteness – Make people unable to either see, hear, or speak
  • Blood Corruption – Magically poison a creature
  • Decay – Attack and corrode metallic weapons, armor, and creatures
  • Decontamination – Remove physical effect spells
  • Disease – Infect a creature
  • Elemental Healing – Recover HP from elemental damage
  • Famine – Force a creature to starve
  • Haste – Add Action Points
  • Health Drain – Sap away HP
  • Inflict Pain – Knock out opponents
  • Lifesaver – Remove some Death Marks
  • Nauseating Breeze – Penalties due to illness
  • Repulsion – Penalties due to illness
  • Scar – Deal Tainted Damage
  • Sleep – Bed time
  • Stagnation – Remove Action Points
  • Steal Strength – Sap away Muscle
  • Sudden Death – Hand a creature some Death Marks
  • Thermoregulate – Boil or freeze a creature's blood
  • Thirst – Force a creature to dehydrate
  • Wraith Harrow – Inflict harm with a touch; armor is useless


  • Banish – "You're dismissed!"
  • Elemental Messenger – Send a message through an elemental
  • Elemental Portation – Travel between two points
  • Gate Key – Anyone that touches an item is sent away
  • Quick Portal – Any opening becomes a portal between locations
  • Safe Keeping – Have an elemental store an item
  • Summon Elemental – Title says it all
  • Teleport Circle
  • Request Animal
  • Summon Ally
  • Summon Metal Weapon/Armor


  • Alarm – Know when you've got company
  • Attack Ward – Keep 'em away
  • Bubble – Protect you and your buddies from outside effects.
  • Death Ward – Stygian spells cannot work
  • Divination Ward – Shut prying eyes
  • Entrapment Ward – Stay free
  • Invitation Only – Keep some out
  • Karma Ward – When you get hurt, so do they
  • Mental Ward – Compulsory spells cannot work
  • Missile Ward – Avoid arrows, bullets, and the like
  • Movement Ward – Keep a person from moving
  • Poison Ward – Immunity to poison
  • Portation Ward – Transportive spells cannot work
  • Sound Ward – Silence is golden
  • Spell Ward – Stop magic entirely
  • Weather Proof – Stay comfortable in extreme temperatures



This spell has a mutative essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per spell rank
Target Creature Save Resilience
Counter Youth

The mage reaches into the sands of time and squeezes the glass. With a cruel touch of ruinous sorcery, one target suffers the effects of aging very quickly, without gaining the inherent experiences of actually spending that time. The mage makes a hand-to-hand Attack Roll. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes his Casting Roll, and the target makes its Resilience save.

The effects of aging depends on the Intensity. This spell cannot cause a creature to die from old age, but it could be used to age someone to the point of uselessness. When the spell ends, the creature reverts to its proper age.

Intensity Effects

  1. −1 to MUS, AGI, and END.
  2. −2 to MUS, AGI, and END. −1 AP
  3. −3 to MUS, AGI, and END. −1 AP
  4. −4 to MUS, AGI, and END. −2 AP
  5. −5 to MUS, AGI, and END. −3 AP


This spell has a warding essence This spell can be powered by any element This is a sound spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One day per rank
Target Area Save

The mage makes a bargain with a minor elemental to keep watch over a place for a brief time. Any sentient creature who enters the alarmed area with a Disposition of neutral or worse towards the mage trips the alarm. When the mage and the elemental make their agreement, they also decide on the means of notification; the elemental may notify the mage about intruders telepathically, leaving the warded location and notifying the mage in person, or by making a loud noise at the location being watched. As long as the spell is in effect, the elemental continues to report intrusions. The size of the alarmed area is dependent on the Intensity.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each.

Intensity Effects

  1. 10 foot radius (room)
  2. 25 foot radius (campsite)
  3. 50 foot radius (house)
  4. 100 foot radius (mansion)
  5. 300 foot radius (fortress)


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a verdance spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One minute per school rank
Target Area Save
Counter Hush

Crank it up! The mage sends magical energy into the actual sound waves coming out of an object or area, in effect reaching in and pumping up the volume. This effect doesn't cause the sound to be any louder, instead it increases the distance the sound can cover. This spell is cast on an area, and covers a radius of 5 feet per school rank. It can be centered on a creature or object, and wherever the center goes, the Amplified effects go with it. The effect of this spell is that any Perception checks made to hear the sounds are at a reduced difficulty (so in effect, some distance penalties are removed).

Intensity Effects

  1. Perception DL −2
  2. Perception DL −4
  3. Perception DL −6
  4. Perception DL −8
  5. Perception DL −10


This spell has a compulsory essence This is a fire spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per spell rank
Target Creature Save Virtue
Counter Endearment

This spell is the opposite of Endearment; it fans the flames of hate. If cast successfully, it sends the target into a rage of anger, curses, and likely a lot of spittle. The target is bound to become increasingly hateful and violent towards a specific creature named by the caster (including himself). The effects are immediate: once you tick someone off, they are liable to stay that way.

Intensity Effects

  1. Moves the target down one Disposition
  2. Moves the target down two Dispositions
  3. Moves the target down three Dispositions
  4. Moves the target down four Dispositions
  5. Moves the target down five Dispositions

Ashes to Ashes

Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 5 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage fires a beam of extremely destructive force towards a target. The mage makes a Magic Attack Roll. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes his Casting Roll, and the target makes its Resilience save. The caster must add its Size to the Casting Roll, and the target must add its Size to the Resilience save, and so large creatures get a bonus, and small creatures take a penalty. If failed, the target immediately begins to feel their very body harden and crumble away, leaving a pile of ash where the unfortunate creature stood.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 bonus to the Casting Roll
  2. +4 bonus
  3. +6 bonus
  4. +8 bonus
  5. +10 bonus


This spell has a stygian essence This is a water spell This is a air spell This is a slime spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage uses his knowledge of the elements at his disposal to deprive a creature of the oxygen it breathes. An air mage pulls the air out of the target's lungs. A slime mage encourages a mass of mucus to clog the target's nose and mouth. A water mage condenses water in their target's lungs.

If the target fails its save, it gains the suffocating condition for the duration of the spell, which imposes Stamina Drain [DL 15; +1 every round; lethal]. Note that the mage can willingly dismiss the spell when a target passes out to prevent its death and keep it unconscious. This spell is especially dangerous if the target already holds Death Marks.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a air spell  Suffocate This is a slime spell  Smother This is a water spell  Drown

Intensity Effects

The Size of creature this spell can affect depends on the level of intensity.

  1. Size −2 and below
  2. Size 0 and below
  3. Size 3 and below
  4. Size 6 and below
  5. Any size creature

Attack Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a light spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per school rank
Target Creature Save

The recipient of this handy spell is endowed with a glowing nimbus that resembles full-bodied translucent armor. This cloak of protection grants a bonus to the target's Guard Roll. The nimbus is completely weightless and doesn't hamper movement in any way. The target can already be wearing armor and gain the effects of this spell; the bonus instilled by this spell even applies to attacks where armor might be ignored.

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 to Guard Roll
  2. +2 to Guard Roll
  3. +3 to Guard Roll
  4. +4 to Guard Roll
  5. +5 to Guard Roll

A House Divided

This spell has a compulsory essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Creature Save Mind Control

Like a house of cards, one's enemies will crumble if the support falls. This spell alters the target's perception of friend and foe. By physically and psychologically cordoning off an enemy from his/her allies, the mage makes friends of enemies.

Intensity Effects

  1. The target will always subconsciously attempt to move in the opposite direction of allies. The target will not abandon the fight simply because of this: they simply wish to fight alone.
  2. The target is struck with "friendship amnesia" and thinks his former allies are strangers, with a neutral disposition towards them.
  3. The target is rendered completely oblivious to the cries and actions of comrades. The target still hears and sees everything going on in the fight, but it is glossed over without consideration.
  4. The target turns against his/her allies and counts them amongst his/her enemies. The target will believe in his/her mind that their allies have gone over to the wrong side! In game terms, this means that the target will attack former comrades as well as other enemies, with no preference to either except who poses the most immediate threat.
  5. The target turns against his/her allies and believes their former enemies friends. Essentially the target simply begins to fight for the opposing side for the duration of the spell. No amount of talking can make the target snap out of the spell before it ends.


This spell has a transportive essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Resilience

With a commanding voice, the mage undoes the binding spells of summoning, and banishes a summoned creature back to its original location. Anything the creature held that did not come with it drops to the ground. (For instance, if a person was summoned, grabbed a sword, and was banished, the sword would fall to the ground; however if the person came with the sword, it would disappear as well).

Intensity Effects

The mage must match the Intensity of Banish to the Intensity of the summon spell; so an Intensity 4 Summon spell can only be countered by an Intensity 4 Banish.


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a metal spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per school rank
Target N/A Save

The mage conjures a massive wall of a solid element to block the tricks of others. The Health Points of the wall varies by Intensity. The wall can be dismissed at will. When the spell expires, the wall crumbles. The wall can be attacked and smashed through by opponents using spells or bludgeoning weapons (the wall uses the Casting Roll of the mage for its Guard Rolls). Slashing and piercing weapons take a −4 penalty to attack the wall. The wall is especially susceptible to the attacks of the opposite element, which deal double damage. Ice is opposed by fire, earth is opposed by air, metal is opposed by slime. The wall is 20 feet high, 40 feet wide, and 1 foot thick, and it can be made into any shape the mage wishes, but it is not mobile.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each. In the ice school, it's called This is a ice spell  Ice Wall. To earth mages, it's This is a earth spell  Stonewall. Metal mages refer to it as This is a metal spell  Steel Stockade. In the verdance school, it's called This is a verdance spell  Brier Patch.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Ice Wall This is a earth spell  Stonewall This is a metal spell  Steel Stockade
This is a verdance spell  Briar Patch

Intensity Effects

  1. 20 HP
  2. 40 HP
  3. 60 HP
  4. 80 HP
  5. 100 HP


This spell has a illusory essence This is a fire spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One hour per spell rank
Target Object (fire) Save N/A

The mage calls upon the spirit of fire to cease all light output from a fire, and effectively making the fire black, but still giving off appropriate heat and causing damage. This is useful if the mage wishes to stay warm but not attract attention in the wild. The amount of fire that the mage can affect is dependent on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. A torch
  2. A campfire
  3. A large bonfire
  4. A house fire
  5. A forest fire


This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Level dependent
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage chooses one of the ailments offered by this spell and forcibly applies it to a creature. See the Life and Death chapter for information on these conditions.

Intensity Effects

  1. One round
  2. Encounter
  3. Day
  4. Week
  5. Permanent

Blood Corruption

This spell has a stygian essence This is a slime spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One minute per rank
Target Self Save

The mage develops a terrible venom which can be delivered to foes. The type of poison inflicted is dependent on the Intensity (see the Life and Death chapter for the effects of poisons). When casting the spell, the mage makes a single Casting Roll to determine the poison's DL. The mage is poisonous for as long as the spell lasts, and must make a hand-to-hand attack against any targets (the venom must be delivered by a bite, kiss, scratch, etc.) If the target succeeds at its first Vitality check, the poison is ineffective. If failed, the target takes appropriate damage, and each round thereafter for one round per spell rank, the victim must make the save or take damage.

Intensity Effects

  1. Level One poison
  2. Level Two poison
  3. Level Three poison
  4. Level Four poison
  5. Level Five poison


This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per rank
Target Self Save

The mage's outline and shape becomes blurry to the naked eye, making attempts to hit her in combat much more difficult.

Intensity Effects

The mage receives a bonus to Evasion Rolls dependent on the Intensity.

  1. +2 bonus to Evasion
  2. +4 bonus
  3. +6 bonus
  4. +8 bonus
  5. +10 bonus


Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a warding essence This is a air spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per spell rank
Target Area Save

The air mage conjures an airtight, and for that matter, anything-tight bubble of invulnerability around creatures or objects with an unlimited air supply. The bubble may not be penetrated by attacks from outside nor may attacks from inside reach outside. Sound is dampened to near silence through the bubble. The bubble cannot be punctured or shattered by anything but magic, meaning attack spells and magic weapons. The bubble is at the command of the air mage and may be levitated and moved at the mage's normal speed. The creatures or objects inside the bubble are subject to nothing that an outside force could effect. The air mage may "pop" the bubble at will, whereupon anything inside is subject to the natural laws of the world once again.

Intensity Effects

  1. Large enough to fit 1 humanoid creature
  2. 2 creatures
  3. 3 creatures
  4. 4 creatures
  5. 5 creatures


This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per spell rank
Target Area Save Sanity

The mage conjures a host of simultaneous sounds, that when mashed together form a cacophonous noise that shatters the concentration of a target, and startles them. A target who fails the save takes the penalties listed below for the duration of the spell and 2 rounds afterwards. This spell effects an area of 20 feet in radius.

Intensity Effects

  1. −2 to Perform and any spellcasting with a spoken component. Deafened.
  2. −4 to Perform and spellcasting. Deafened.
  3. −6 to Perform and spellcasting. Deafened and stunned.
  4. −8 to Perform and spellcasting. Deafened and stunned.
  5. −10 to Perform and spellcasting. Deafened, stunned, and wide-eyed.

Comprehend Language

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per spell rank
Target Creature Save

The targets become skilled linguists in a particular written and/or spoken language. The targets will be able to converse in or read languages which they have never seen or heard before. Targets receive a bonus to Translate, depending on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. +4 to Translate
  2. +8 to Translate
  3. +12 to Translate
  4. +16 to Translate
  5. +20 to Translate


This spell has a compulsory essence This is a dark spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per rank
Target Area Save Sanity

The mage can reach into a target's mind and shake it around like a can of beans. Creatures targeted by this spell become disoriented and will attack randomly. They become incapable of understanding intelligent speech, and incapable of casting spells. Confuse is cast on an area, and any vulnerable creatures within must save or suffer the effects. A target creature must fit entirely in the area of effect (e.g. you're not gonna fit a rhino into that 5′ circle, friend).

A Confused creature is a liability to its allies and itself. During its turn, a Confused creature must roll a d100. If the result is 1–33, the target attacks the nearest opponent. On a 34–66, the target attacks the nearest ally. On a 67–100, the target attacks itself.

Intensity Effects

  1. 5 ft radius
  2. 10 ft radius
  3. 15 ft radius
  4. 20 ft radius
  5. 25 ft radius

Conjure Food

This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target N/A Save

A mage with this spell can seemingly conjure sustenance out of thin air. The food may taste and look very much real, but it contains none of the expected nutritional value. Creatures consuming this pretend food stave off the effects of Knockout penalties from starvation, but must eventually consume some real nourishment or die. The food remains and rots just like real food of the type would.

Intensity Effects

The amount of food depends on the Intensity, the quality depends on the cook.

  1. One solid meal for one person
  2. 5 people. Dysfunctional family conversation included!
  3. 10 people
  4. 15 people
  5. 20 people

Control Fire

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a fire spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per spell rank
Target Object (fire) Save

The mage calls upon the spirit of a fire to conform to his or her will. The mage can control the shape and heat of an existing fire. The mage can fan the flames increasing the size of the fire to a maximum of twice its original size or completely extinguish it. The size of fire controlled is determined by the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. A torch
  2. A campfire
  3. A large bonfire
  4. A house fire
  5. A fire the size of a city block

Control Winds

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a air spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Air Save Stamina

Mother nature takes orders from no one, but good advice never hurt anyone. With this spell the mage takes existing wind conditions and softens or exaggerates their effects. The spell can be cast indoors or outdoors. When winds are augmented, arrows miss their mark, ships will sail faster, and creatures can be thrown to the ground. The wind can be directed at one individual as well as be modified. Creatures must roll Stamina to avoid the effects of the strengthened wind, moving one foot for each point of difference between the Casting Roll and their save. If creatures defending from a gust of wind botch their save roll, they move one step down the Knockout Track in addition to being thrown.

Intensity Effects

  1. Winds increased: Ranged attacks take −1, +2 to Casting Roll; Winds decreased: nullify a breeze
  2. Winds increased: Ranged attacks take −3, +4 to Casting Roll; Winds decreased: nullify moderate winds
  3. Winds increased: Ranged attacks take −5, +6 to Casting Roll; Winds decreased: nullify strong winds
  4. Winds increased: Ranged attacks take −10, +8 to Casting Roll; Winds decreased: nullify storm winds
  5. Winds increased: Ranged attacks take −20, +10 to Casting Roll; Winds decreased: nullify hurricane winds


This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage alters himself or a willing target to duplicate the physical appearance of another humanoid, right down to the the sound of their voice and the smell of their hair (…creepy). The mage does not gain any of the original's memories or knowledge, so the mage must act or bluff his or her way out of sticky situations. This spell does not grant the ability to cause any significant changes to physiology: the target creature must be within 2 steps of Size of the intended form (e.g. it's impossible to disguise a firna as a juren).

Intensity Effects

  1. +4 Disguise
  2. +8 Disguise
  3. +12 Disguise
  4. +16 Disguise
  5. +20 Disguise

Dancing Whips

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a metal spell This is a slime spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Medium
AP 3 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Area Save

This spell summons a number of writhing, dancing lengths of material that operate as sentient spiked whips. Slime mages summon black, stinging, acidic tentacles. Metal mages conjure lengths of iron chain with tiny barbs. Verdance mages evoke sharp, thorny vines adorned with small rose buds.

The whips can each be controlled individually by the mage and act as spiked whips for all intents and purposes (the mage uses his Spell Ranks instead of Weapon skill in the Attack Roll). Commanding the whips, however many are present, takes 3 AP (the amount of time for using an actual whip). So for example, if the mage has 6 AP, the whips can be used to attack twice (casting this spell and using the whips once also takes 6 AP!). Any bonuses the mage receives for using whips, such as from a Combat Trump, can be applied to rolls made with this spell. The mage can attempt to trip, disarm, or entangle her opponents, or just whip them mercilessly.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a slime spell  Tentacles This is a metal spell  Chain Gang This is a verdance spell  Rose's Fury

Intensity Effects

  1. One whips
  2. Two whips
  3. Three whips
  4. Four whips
  5. Five whips

Dangerous Body

This spell has a mutative essence This is a electricity spell This is a fire spell This is a ruin spell This is a slime spell This is a light spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per spell rank
Target Self Save Guard Roll

The mage calls upon elemental power to cover him or herself in a protective cloak of elemental energy. When the spell is cast, the mage makes a single Casting Roll. For the duration of the spell, any combatant adjacent to the mage must make a Guard Roll against the initial Casting Roll. Anything the mage holds will be wreathed in elemental energy but suffer no ill effects. The mage can dismiss or summon the effect at will for the duration of the spell. While covered by the element, the mage is immune to the same element, however magical attacks of the opposite element deal double damage. Damage dealt by this field to assailants is dependent on the Intensity.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each. In the fire school, this spell is known as This is a fire spell  Immolate. Electricity mages call this spell This is a electricity spell  Shocking Personality. Slime mages call this spell This is a slime spell  Acid Blood. To ruin mages, this spell is called This is a ruin spell  Aura of Decay. To light mages, it's This is a light spell  Radiance.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Immolate This is a electricity spell  Shocking Personality This is a slime spell  Acid Blood
This is a ruin spell  Aura of Decay This is a light spell  Radiance

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 Spell Harm
  2. +4 Spell Harm
  3. +6 Spell Harm
  4. +8 Spell Harm
  5. +10 Spell Harm


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per spell rank
Target Area Save
Counter Light

The mage summons a spherical area of complete and utter inky blackness. The spell devours any light emitted within its area of effect, and blocks any light outside from getting in — so not even Infrared Eyes can help you. Creatures within this field of darkness which rely on sight (even those that are capable of seeing in the dark) are treated as being Blind, and take −8 to pretty much any combative action (except for those with the Blind-Fighting trump).

Intensity Effects

The size of the field is dependent on the Intensity.

  1. 5 ft radius
  2. 10 ft radius
  3. 15 ft radius
  4. 20 ft radius
  5. 25 ft radius


Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a stygian essence This is a metal spell This is a ruin spell This is a slime spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 2 Lasts N/A
Target Object (weapon) Save Mettle

A mage places a vile aura around a held weapon (which could include the mage's own appendages). The mage makes a Casting Roll to determine the effectiveness of the spell, and chooses a weapon to endow. The mage attacks with the weapon, and if the target fails to Dodge, it makes a Resilience save. If failed, whatever object is struck (e.g. shield, armor, another weapon) begins to age and decay, as though decades of neglect have gone by — it rusts, rots, or crumbles. The enchantment remains on the mage's weapon indefinitely until discharged. Targets who defend with a parry automatically expose their weapon or shield to the entropic effects of this spell (but can still save). The struck object receives steps of degradation per level of Intensity. If the degradation exceeds the object's normal combative bonus, the object is completely ruined and disintegrates. If the mage wants to target a particular object, the normal Called Shot rules apply. This spell is generally useless on living creatures — the Scar spell is generally more useful for those cases (but see below for exceptions).

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each (either Metal, Ruin, or Slime). If cast from the Metal or Slime schools, this spell is only effective on metallic objects and creatures. Metallic creatures (generally, these are fabricated and elemental creatures) who aren't wearing armor that are targeted by this spell receive one point of tainted damage instead of a step of degradation.

Intensity Effects

  1. 2 steps of degradation
  2. 4 steps of degradation
  3. 6 steps of degradation
  4. 8 steps of degradation
  5. Any affected object is completely ruined


This spell has a stygian essence This is a light spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save

The mage can resolve vile intrusions to the body. This spell can instantly alleviate any toxin, poison, venom, or disease, be it naturally-occurring or magical (e.g. Blood Corruption, Disease).

This spell cannot be used to counter one being cast that introduces Poisons or Diseases.

Intensity Effects

The Cure spell must be cast at the same or higher Level of the disease or poison that has been induced.


This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Level dependent
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage chooses one of the ailments offered by this spell and forcibly applies it to a creature. See the Life and Death chapter for information on these conditions.

Intensity Effects

  1. One round
  2. Encounter
  3. Day
  4. Week
  5. Permanent

Death Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per spell rank
Target Creature Save

The mage envelops the target in a pocket of the world beyond. Creatures subject to a death ward are temporarily cut off from the energies of life and death, during which time they are immune to Stygian spells. While this prevents the disease, poison, and death of Stygian magic, it also prevents the blessings, healing, and revitalization.

Intensity Effects

The Intensity at which Death Ward is cast is effective against Stygian spells of the same Intensity or lower.


Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence This is a earth spell This is a ruin spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Area Save Resilience

The mage creates a wave of force which causes any objects made of an earth-like material (e.g. brick, glass, ceramic, crystalline) to crack, shatter, and crumble. Any earth creature or any solid object that is magical or being worn gets to make a save against the mage's Casting Roll to resist destruction. This spell affects an area of 5 feet in radius for every Spell rank. If an earth creature targeted by the spell fails the save, it takes the difference as damage. The mage can shatter an amount of objects equal to the Casting Roll in pounds (e.g. a mage with a Casting Roll of 28 can shatter 28 1-pound objects, or 14 2-pound objects). The mage has total control over the demolition; he can choose to split the objects into one or more pieces, bore through them, or simply let them crumble into bits. Extra oomph is added to the roll per intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 Spell Harm
  2. +4 Spell Harm
  3. +6 Spell Harm
  4. +8 Spell Harm
  5. +10 Spell Harm


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a compulsory essence This is a dark spell This is a ice spell This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per rank
Target Creature Save Guts

The mage saps the valor right out of a creature, sending the poor thing running home to mommy. The mage appears to the target as something that should incite primal, mortal fear.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Cold Sweat This is a ruin spell  Erode Spirit This is a dark spell  Horrify

Intensity Effects

Each level of Intensity allows the mage to frighten off a creature of increasingly larger size.

  1. Size −2 and below (scaredy cat!)
  2. Size 0 and below (most humanoids)
  3. Size 3 and below (…and the horse they rode in on)
  4. Size 6 and below (killer wail)
  5. Any size creature (you know, maybe you're the monster)


This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Self Save

The dark mage becomes a carrier for a horrible disease. The type of disease spread is dependent on the Intensity (see the Life and Death chapter for information on diseases), and the mage may pick any disease of the appropriate level to spread. While the mage can only carry the disease for a single attack, the disease will lie dormant indefinitely until delivered. To infect a creature, the mage must make a hand-to-hand attack against the target (the infection must be delivered by a bite, kiss, scratch, etc.) After a successful attack, the mage makes a Casting Roll to determine the disease's DL. If the target succeeds at its first Vitality check, the disease is ineffective; failure results in immediate infection and those icky body aches.

Intensity Effects

  1. Level One Disease
  2. Level Two Disease
  3. Level Three Disease
  4. Level Four Disease
  5. Level Five Disease


This spell has a compulsory essence This is a light spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save

The mage can dispel the mental enchantments done by a spell with a Compulsory essence. Disenchant can be cast on any creature currently suffering the effects of a Compulsory spell. The opposite powers cancel each other out, and the Compulsory spell immediately ends.

This spell cannot be used to counter a Compulsory spell being cast.

Intensity Effects

The Disenchant spell must be cast at the same Intensity or higher as the Compulsory spell to be countered.

Dis Illusion

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a light spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Self Save

With cunning use of perception magic, you can instantly tell illusions from reality. When casting this spell, illusions are mentally sorted out as seeming very false, almost not entirely there. While this spell is active on your person, visual figments are translucent, audio is warbled, tactile sensation tingles oddly, yet all illusions taste and smell like cabbage.

Intensity Effects

The Intensity at which Dis Illusion is cast is effective against illusions of the same Intensity or lower.


This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per rank
Target Area Save Lucidity

This spell creates an illusion to distract opponents: sight, sound, smell, or any combination of the three. Anything the caster imagines can come to life. So long as they concentrate on it, the caster can even change the illusion as they see fit while the spell persists. Any targets within an area of a 5 foot radius per rank must make a Lucidity save. A target that passes its save doesn't perceive the illusion at all (and confusion will set in as its friends ask "Hey, did you see that?"). The idea is that if a target believes a false sight or sound, they will be at a disadvantage to notice other things, taking a penalty to subsequent Perception checks. "Huh? What was that noise? Better go check it out."

Intensity Effects

  1. A minor distraction, like mice squeaking, or a bird flying past. Targets take −2 to Perception checks.
  2. A moderate distraction, like smelling the garbage behind a tavern, or a dog barking. Targets take −4 to Perception checks.
  3. A strong distraction, like an apparition floating down a hallway, or many people singing. Targets take −6 to Perception checks.
  4. A very strong distraction, like a militia marching by, or a whiff of rotting flesh. Targets take −8 to Perception checks.
  5. An inescapable distraction, like a clap of thunder, a roaring dragon, or the local drunk screaming and running nude across the town green. Targets take −10 to Perception checks.

Divination Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a dark spell This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per spell rank
Target Creature Save

The mage weaves a complicated string of magic around a target, blocking divining spells from working correctly. Any Perceptive spell that is used against the target of this spell is completely ineffective. The target is visible to the naked eye and ear, of course, but any perception magic acts as if the target is not there at all.

Intensity Effects

The Intensity at which Divination Ward is cast is effective against perception spells of the same Intensity or lower.


Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a dynamic essence This is a earth spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Area Save Gymnastics

The mage calls on the tectonic stress of the earth beneath his feet and brings a rumble to the surface. This spell can only be cast on solid earth or stone footing. While the vibrations are not intense enough to collapse buildings or incite cave-ins, this spell is adept at knocking creatures on their backs. Any creature in the area incapable of staying balanced falls prone. If a creature receives a bonus to prevent from being tripped, that bonus is applicable when resisting this spell. Flying or hovering creatures are not affected by this spell (simply jumping in the air doesn't count, for the record). The size of the area affected is dependent on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. 5 ft radius
  2. 10 ft radius
  3. 15 ft radius
  4. 20 ft radius
  5. 25 ft radius

Elemental Blast

This spell has a dynamic essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 2 Distance Far
AP 3 Lasts N/A
Target Creature/Object Save Guard Roll

The mage sends a concussive burst of elemental power rocketing towards a single target. The projectile is comprised of pure energy and is basically intangible, but charged with the aspects of a specific element. The mage makes an Attack Roll using the magic weapon style. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes their Casting Roll and the target makes its Guard Roll. This spell delivers both burning and bludgeoning damage (i.e. targets who incur damage must be immune to both types to avoid injury).

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Fireball This is a ice spell  Snowball This is a earth spell  Boulder
This is a air spell  Air Blast This is a slime spell  Acid Ball This is a metal spell  Cannonball
This is a electricity spell  Ball Lightning This is a water spell  Water Blast This is a verdance spell  Radiation
This is a ruin spell  Wrecking Ball This is a light spell  Sunbeam This is a dark spell  Dark Matter

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +6 Spell Harm
  2. +12 Spell Harm
  3. +18 Spell Harm
  4. +24 Spell Harm
  5. +30 Spell Harm

Elemental Catastrophe

This spell has a dynamic essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 5 Distance Far
AP 6 Lasts N/A
Target Area Save Guard Roll

The mage calls down ancient destructive elemental forces that ravage battlefields in spectacular eruptions of power. The energy of the spell resembles natural disasters akin to the element in question: volcanic eruption, flooding, rivers of acid, hurricanes, stellar chaos, mass hysteria, cats and dogs living together. The spell affects an area of 10 feet in radius for every spell rank. The mage makes an Attack Roll using the magic weapon style. Creatures within this area may try to Dodge, but cannot parry (without the Spell Swat trump). This spell delivers both burning and crushing damage (i.e. targets who incur damage must be immune to both types to avoid injury).

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Volcano This is a ice spell  Iceberg This is a earth spell  Meteor
This is a air spell  Hurricane This is a slime spell  Acid Rain This is a metal spell  Heavy Metal
This is a electricity spell  Seven Thunders This is a water spell  Tsunami This is a verdance spell  Atomic Bomb
This is a ruin spell  Extinction This is a light spell  Supernova This is a dark spell  Black Hole

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +20 Spell Hurt
  2. +40 Spell Hurt
  3. +60 Spell Hurt
  4. +80 Spell Hurt
  5. +100 Spell Hurt

Elemental Field

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a air spell This is a electricity spell This is a fire spell This is a slime spell This is a water spell This is a ruin spell This is a light spell This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Area Save Guard Roll

The mage conjures a field of tangible elemental energy to hedge out the tricks of others. The wall can be dismissed at will, and when the spell expires, the wall dematerializes in a way that is characteristic of the element (fire dissipates in a puff of smoke, wind vanishes with a whoosh, etc.). The wall itself is 20 feet high, 40 feet wide, and can be made into any shape the mage wishes, but the wall is immobile. The mage makes a single Casting Roll (including the bonus listed below) when the spell is cast and anyone attempting to walk through the field for the duration of the spell must make a Guard Roll against this number (since they're choosing to walk through the wall, no Attack or Dodge is necessary). This spell delivers burning damage. The mage doesn't need to put himself inside of the wall; he might want to protect something valuable he can't reach.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Firewall This is a air spell  Wind Wall This is a slime spell  Corrosive Cage
This is a electricity spell  Electric Fence This is a water spell  Wall of Water This is a ruin spell  Wilting Wall
This is a light spell  Corona This is a dark spell  Darkroom

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +4 Spell Harm
  2. +8 Spell Harm
  3. +12 Spell Harm
  4. +16 Spell Harm
  5. +20 Spell Harm

Elemental Grasp

This spell has a dynamic essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 3 Lasts N/A
Target Creature/Object Save Guard Roll

The mage grabs onto a single target and delivers a potent surge of elemental power. The mage makes an Attack Roll using the Hand-to-hand skill. If the target fails its Evasion Roll, the mage makes a Casting Roll, and the target makes its Guard Roll. This spell delivers burning damage. If the target's Evasion Roll is higher than the mage's Attack, no MP are wasted; the spell isn't cast until the mage is touching the target.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Searing Touch This is a ice spell  Icy Grasp This is a earth spell  Stone Fist
This is a air spell  Wind's Caress This is a slime spell  Corrosive Touch This is a metal spell  Iron Grasp
This is a electricity spell  Static Shock This is a water spell  Crashing Waves This is a verdance spell  Thorny Grasp
This is a ruin spell  Kiss of Death This is a light spell  Light Touch This is a dark spell  Touch of Evil

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +4 Spell Harm
  2. +8 Spell Harm
  3. +12 Spell Harm
  4. +16 Spell Harm
  5. +20 Spell Harm

Elemental Healing

This spell has a stygian essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per school rank
Target Creature Save

The mage harnesses the power of an element from other sources and turns it into life energy. When defending against spells of this element, if the Guard Roll is higher than the attacking mage's Casting Roll, the defender can take the difference as Health Points regained. For example, if Drinnin has the Elemental Healing spell cast on him, an enemy mage makes a Casting Roll for an elemental spell of 25, and Drinnin makes a Guard Roll of 29, he regains 4 HP. Creatures benefiting from the effects of this spell are immune to damage of the specified element except on a critical failure of the Guard Roll.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Heating Pad This is a ice spell  Cold Compress This is a earth spell  Rock Rehab
This is a air spell  Oxygen Tank This is a slime spell  Antacid This is a metal spell  Acupuncture
This is a electricity spell  Shock Therapy This is a water spell  Water Therapy This is a verdance spell  Nourishment
This is a ruin spell  Bloodletting This is a light spell  Photosynthesis This is a dark spell  Night Clinic

Intensity Effects

Each level of Intensity of this spell grants an increasingly higher bonus to the Guard Roll against spells of a particular element.

  1. +2 to Guard Roll against chosen element
  2. +4 to Guard Roll against chosen element
  3. +6 to Guard Roll against chosen element
  4. +8 to Guard Roll against chosen element
  5. +10 to Guard Roll against chosen element

Elemental Messenger

This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 1 Distance N/A
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target N/A Save

The mage makes contact with an elemental and has it deliver a message to a specific recipient. The means by which the elemental decides to deliver the message is entirely up to it — it could appear and deliver the message personally. The elementals usually behave in a way that characterizes the element they represent: a fire elemental may have the message appear written in flames, or an ice elemental may summon ice cubes to spell out the message. The mage can send one sentence per school rank in this manner.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Smoke Signal This is a ice spell  Morse Cold This is a earth spell  Ear to the Ground
This is a air spell  Whispering Wind This is a slime spell  Slick Missive This is a metal spell  Steelspeech
This is a electricity spell  Live Wire This is a water spell  Babbling Brook This is a verdance spell  Life Line
This is a ruin spell  Raze a Question This is a light spell  Light Reading This is a dark spell  Dark Secrets

Intensity Effects

The amount of time it takes for the message to arrive is dependent on the Intensity.

  1. 1 hour
  2. 10 minutes
  3. 1 minute
  4. 1 round
  5. Immediately

Elemental Onslaught

This spell has a dynamic essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 4 Distance Far
AP 6 Lasts N/A
Target Area Save Guard Roll

The mage invokes a violent surge of elemental power that explodes with a pulverizing force. The energy of the spell resembles the element in question: water and acid falling from the sky, an iceberg or meteor smashing the ground, columns of flame or a spray of bullets erupting from the ground, a swirling whirlwind, or streaks of lightning. The spell affects an area of 5 feet in radius for every spell rank. The mage makes an Attack Roll using the magic weapon style. Creatures within this area may try to Dodge, but cannot Parry (without the Spell Swat trump). This spell delivers both burning and crushing damage (i.e. targets who incur damage must be immune to both types to avoid injury).

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Firestorm This is a ice spell  Blizzard This is a earth spell  Landslide
This is a air spell  Twister This is a slime spell  Dissolve This is a metal spell  Bullet Storm
This is a electricity spell  Thunderstorm This is a water spell  Deluge This is a verdance spell  Sonic Boom
This is a ruin spell  Downfall This is a light spell  Solar Flare This is a dark spell  Eclipse

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +10 Spell Harm
  2. +15 Spell Harm
  3. +20 Spell Harm
  4. +25 Spell Harm
  5. +30 Spell Harm

Elemental Portation

This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 4 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Self Save

The mage calls upon an elemental to grant him instantaneous passage between two points (e.g. bed to privy, around battlefields, road trips). The mage vanishes in a way characteristic of the element involved. For instance, a water mage is liquefied and falls to the ground with a splash, evaporating, and reappearing at the destination with a spray of water. An electricity mage is struck by a bolt of lightning from the sky or ceiling and similarly strikes the ground at the destination.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Up in Smoke This is a ice spell  Snowdrift This is a earth spell  Rock and Roll
This is a air spell  Airwalk This is a slime spell  Snot Rocket This is a metal spell  Steel Away
This is a electricity spell  Ride the Lightning This is a water spell  Water Slide This is a verdance spell  Transplant
This is a ruin spell  Wasting Away This is a light spell  Traveling Light This is a dark spell  Fly by Night

Intensity Effects

The distance the spell can cover is dependent on the Intensity.

  1. 50 feet
  2. 500 feet
  3. 1 mile
  4. 10 miles
  5. 100 miles

Elemental Strike

This spell has a dynamic essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 3 Distance Far
AP 3 Lasts N/A
Target Creature/Object Save Guard Roll

The mage invokes a devastating assault against a single target, which bursts from the ground beneath it or the space above it. The attack is composed of pure energy and is basically intangible, but charged with the aspects of a specific element. The mage makes an Attack Roll using the magic weapon style. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes a Casting Roll and the target makes its Guard Roll. This spell delivers both burning and piercing damage (i.e. targets who incur damage must be immune to both types to avoid injury).

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Flame Jet This is a ice spell  Ice Glaive This is a earth spell  Stalagmite
This is a air spell  Air Scythe This is a slime spell  Acid Lance This is a metal spell  Iron Maiden
This is a electricity spell  Thunder Javelin This is a water spell  Geyser This is a verdance spell  Forest Spear
This is a ruin spell  Blight Arrow This is a light spell  Laser This is a dark spell  Demon Horn

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +10 Spell Harm
  2. +20 Spell Harm
  3. +30 Spell Harm
  4. +40 Spell Harm
  5. +50 Spell Harm

Elemental Weaponry

This spell has a dynamic essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per rank
Target Object (weapon) Save

Using this spell, the mage can either augment an existing weapon with elemental properties, or conjure an elemental weapon from thin air. In the case of conjured weapons, the mage or anyone to whom the mage gives the weapon uses their magic element ranks instead of the weapon type for Attack Rolls. This weapon delivers burning damage. The weapon can be used one-handed, can be used to parry, and the wielder cannot be disarmed of it. In the case of augmented weapons, the Harm score listed below is a bonus on top of the weapon's existing Harm score. In the case of ranged projectile weapons, the ammunition is affected and receives the bonus to damage.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a fire spell  Firebrand This is a ice spell  Frost Brand This is a earth spell  Weapon of Earth
This is a air spell  Weapon of Wind This is a slime spell  Acid Armament This is a metal spell  Weaponsmith
This is a electricity spell  Lightning Brand This is a water spell  Weapon of Water This is a verdance spell  Thorny Brand
This is a ruin spell  Weapon of Chaos This is a light spell  Holy Brand This is a dark spell  Unholy Brand

Intensity Effects

The Harm score of the weapon is dependent on the Intensity.

  1. Special. +2 Harm
  2. Magicked. +4 Harm
  3. Spellbound. +6 Harm
  4. Enchanted. +8 Harm
  5. Relic. +10 Harm


This spell has a compulsory essence This is a fire spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One hour per rank
Target Creature Save Virtue
Counter Enrage

Using the flames of passion to pull on the hearts of other creatures, the mage ensnares a target in a deep enchantment. This spell makes those affected by it think fondly and warmly of another creature named by the caster (including himself). Their attitude improves notably — each level of Intensity of this spell improves the target's Disposition by one additional level.

As a Spellsong, this spell is known as Song of the Sirens.

Intensity Effects

  1. Moves the target up one Disposition
  2. Moves the target up two Dispositions
  3. Moves the target up three Dispositions
  4. Moves the target up four Dispositions
  5. Moves the target up five Dispositions

Enhance Senses

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a verdance spell This is a air spell This is a light spell This is a earth spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per rank
Target Self Save

One or more of the mage's senses become supernaturally accurate. Depending on the element used when casting, the mage receives a bonus to Perception for sight and/or sound, and a bonus to Search for scent (which allows you to track).

Take care, though, because effects that target the senses affect a mage under this spell even more so. A mage with enhanced senses takes −4 to saves against anything which target those senses. A mage with enhanced sight will be at a disadvantage to Flare, for example. A mage with enhanced smell will be at a disadvantage to Nauseating Breeze, and so on.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. When cast from the Air school, only the sense of smell is boosted, and so only the bonus to Search applies. When cast from the Light school, only the sense of sight is boosted, so only the bonus to Perception (for visual stimuli) applies. When cast from the Earth school, only the sense of hearing is boosted, so only the bonus to Perception (for auditory stimuli) applies. When cast from the Verdance school, all three senses are boosted.

Intensity Effects

The strength of the bonus gained depends on the Intensity.

  1. The mage gains a +2 bonus to the relevant sense(s)
  2. The mage gains a +4 bonus
  3. The mage gains a +6 bonus
  4. The mage gains a +8 bonus
  5. The mage gains a +10 bonus


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a compulsory essence This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 5 minutes per rank
Target Area Save Mind Control

The weak minded can be easily caught in a daze of fascination and wonderment. Using this spell, the mage creates a lure and turns heads. Usually, the mage centers the spell on herself, but Enthrall can be centered on another creature or an object, and wherever the lure goes, the gaze of those enthralled goes along with it.

For the duration of this spell, any creatures within the area of effect who can see the lure must make a Mind Control save. Those who fail gain the distracted condition and stare at the lure as long as it's visible. Creatures who roll a Critical Failure are simply dumbstruck and gain the wide-eyed condition against anyone but the lure as long as they can see it. Creatures with the blinded condition are immune to the effects of this spell.

Intensity Effects

  1. 100 ft radius
  2. 200 ft radius
  3. 300 ft radius
  4. 400 ft radius
  5. 500 ft radius

Eternal Fire

This spell has a illusory essence This is a fire spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Permanent
Target Object (flammable) Save

The mage calls upon the spirit of fire to create an illusory ever-burning flame, one that consumes no oxygen and gives off no heat, just simply flickering firelight. Burning torches in dungeons are prime examples of Eternal Fire spells. This spell requires an object on which to cast the flame – one that would normally be required for a mundane fire (for instance, a candle, a torch, etc.) This fire lasts until Counterspelled.

Intensity Effects

  1. Create a candle-sized flame
  2. Create a torch-sized flame
  3. Create a small cooking fire-sized flame
  4. Create a campfire-sized flame
  5. Create a bonfire-sized flame

False Bottom

This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 1 minute Lasts Permanent
Target Area Save

The mage conjures a realistic facsimile of a dividing surface, such as a wall, ceiling, or floor. The facsimile is, of course, completely insubstantial, and any solid matter will pass straight through it. There are all kinds of secretive or deadly things to be hidden beyond a fake surface. So long as the objects to which it is anchored exist, the illusion will remain. So if your house is razed to the ground, the fake wall you had hiding your dirty magazines goes along with it.

Intensity Effects

The size of the illusion depends on the Intensity, but the nefarious uses are endless.

  1. 25 square feet (5′×5′)
  2. 100 square feet (10′×10′)
  3. 625 square feet (25′×25′)
  4. 2,500 square feet (50′×50′)
  5. 10,000 square feet (100′×100′)


This spell has a stygian essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 days per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle

An empty belly saps a creature of its energy reserves and pushes it closer to death. Using this spell, the mage creates a black hole in a creature's stomach. If the target of this spell fails its save, it gains the starving condition. No matter how much it eats, the hunger persists. It begins to slowly waste away. If the creature survives through the spell's duration, a full night's sleep will remove any incurred Knockout Track penalties caused by Stamina Drain. The size of the targeted creature depends on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size −2 and below (just a little bite)
  2. Size 0 and below (most humanoids)
  3. Size 3 and below (…and the horse they rode in on)
  4. Size 6 and below (hungry hippos)
  5. Any size creature (a really big appetite)


This spell has a perceptive essence This is a electricity spell This is a light spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Object (reflective) Save Mettle

Ever get the feeling you're being watched? Using this spell, a mage can perceive a remote location, creature, or item as if he was there with it. If the mage wants to view a particular creature or an item held by a creature, the creature gets a Mettle save to block out the mage, but they may not be aware they're getting screen time. An observed creature gets the feeling they're being watched with a DL 15 Clairvoyance check, and a DL 20 check will alert them it's magic. The mage can also simply choose a distance and direction ("500 miles north") and see that area.

The distance able to be seen depends on the Intensity. In order to activate this spell, the mage must have a reflective surface available such as a mirror, a glass ball, or a placid lake through which the remote sights and sounds are transmitted.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage can scry on a target at a distance of up to 1 mile
  2. The mage can scry on a target at a distance of up to 10 miles
  3. The mage can scry on a target at a distance of up to 100 miles
  4. The mage can scry on a target at a distance of up to 1,000 miles
  5. The mage can scry on any target, anywhere in the world.

Feign Death

This spell has a illusory essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts Intensity-dependent
Target Self Save Lucidity

The mage effectively puts himself into stasis, appearing as though he were dead. The spell is good enough to fool anyone at first glance, and even heart checks, listening for breath, etc won't be able to tell the difference. The length of time the death can be feigned depends on the Intensity. The mage has a limited awareness of the events happening around him. The mage rests while in this state as if he was asleep. When the spell is first cast, the mage makes a Casting Roll. Anyone who checks if the mage is dead is welcome to a Lucidity check against the Casting Roll.

Intensity Effects

  1. One minute
  2. One hour
  3. One day
  4. One week
  5. As long as the caster desires

Field Trip

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a metal spell This is a slime spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per spell rank
Target Area Save Gymnastics

This spell is intended to bring an area of creatures tumbling to the ground. For the duration of this spell, anyone caught in the area of effect who attempts to move must succeed at a Gymnastics roll. Any failed checks cause the creature to slip and fall prone. If the spell is enacted on a slanted surface, a tripped creature quickly slides downward. If a creature receives a bonus to prevent from being tripped, that bonus is applicable when resisting this spell. Flying or hovering creatures are not affected by this spell (simply jumping in the air doesn't count, for the record). Each specific element conjures a different hazard. In the earth school, the area is covered in slick mud. In the ice school, a sheet of slippery ice will coat the surface of the area. In the metal school, the area is covered in tiny silver marbles. In the slime school, the area receives a thin coat of grease. The size of the area affected is dependent on the Intensity.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Sheet of Ice This is a earth spell  Mud Puddle This is a slime spell  Grease
This is a metal spell  Ball Bearings

Intensity Effects

  1. 5 ft radius
  2. 10 ft radius
  3. 15 ft radius
  4. 20 ft radius
  5. 25 ft radius


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a fire spell This is a light spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target N/A Save Stamina

The mage calls upon the spirit of fire to bring forth a burst of fire and light. The mage can use this Flare to signal friends, or blind foes, or even cover your escape. The flare may be launched into the sky as a signal or ignited at close range. The intensity of the flare is dependent on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Create a finger-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 1 mile at night. If not launched, causes an annoying green blob in the vision of everyone with their eyes open (onlookers lose 1 AP for one round).
  2. Creates a bottle-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 10 miles at night. If not launched, it blinds everyone with their eyes open for two rounds.
  3. Creates a basketball-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 20 miles at night. If not launched, blinds everyone with their eyes open for 30 seconds.
  4. Creates a torso-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 50 miles at night. If not launched, it blinds everyone with their eyes open for one minute.
  5. Creates a bolder-sized signal flare, and can be seen from 100 miles. If not launched, it blinds everyone with their eyes open for five minutes.


This spell has a mutative essence This is a air spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage grants herself or a willing ally airborne maneuverability. If the target is airborne while the spell is active, and the spell ends, the target slowly floats towards the ground, taking no damage. If the spell is dispelled, or the effect is subject to a Spell Ward, the target plummets to the ground, taking 1 point of damage per foot fallen (subject to a Guard Roll). The creature cannot hover, but can fly at its typical movement speed, and can certainly zoom through the skies with a Dash check.

Intensity Effects

The bonus granted to Dash depends on the Intensity.

  1. +2 bonus to Dash
  2. +4 bonus
  3. +6 bonus
  4. +8 bonus
  5. +10 bonus


This spell has a mutative essence This is a air spell This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a water spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per rank
Target Creatures Save

The mage can supercharge a creature's feet, allowing them to traverse impossible substances. Regardless of which material the spell allows the creature to traverse, the creature leaves no tracks and cannot be tracked in its intended direction by scent. Any movement penalties due to terrain are ignored. The exact material depends on the element in question. In the air school, the creature can walk across thin air as if climbing an invisible staircase or crossing an invisible bridge. In the earth school, the creature can traverse sand, mud, gravel, and the like as if it were on a well-paved road. In the ice school, the creature can walk atop snow, slush, and ice with perfect traction. In the water school, the creature can move without issue across lakes, rivers, and ocean waves, unable to fall in.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Snow Shoes This is a earth spell  Cleats This is a air spell  Cloud Step
This is a water spell  Water Skis

Intensity Effects

The number of creatures affected by this spell depends on the Intensity.

  1. One creature
  2. Two creatures
  3. Three creatures
  4. Four creatures
  5. Five creatures (You can cross the river with all your stuff, your fiancée, her Shetland pony, and all her designer luggage! Might check not included.)


This spell has a perceptive essence This is a electricity spell This is a light spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One round per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage gains a supernatural sixth-sense about incoming danger to his or her person. Before an event occurs, the mage gets some sort of feeling or warning to indicate foreboding doom. The specifics of the spell are dependent on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage gets a bad feeling when danger is about to befall him or her. The mage gains a +1 bonus to his or her Defense Roll and Reaction checks.
  2. The mage is fairly certain of exactly what will happen moments before it occurs. The mage gains a +2 bonus to his or her Defense Roll and Reaction checks.
  3. The mage is almost positive of impending doom. The mage gains a +3 bonus to his or her Defense Roll and Reaction check.
  4. The mage is alerted to a specific threat before it occurs. The mage is never caught wide-eyed, and further gains a +4 bonus to his or her Defense Roll and Reaction checks.
  5. The mage can mentally perceive a danger just before it happens, and the mage gains a +5 bonus to his or her Defense Roll and Reaction checks.

Fluid Body

This spell has a mutative essence This is a air spell This is a slime spell This is a water spell This is a dark spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage's body and equipment turn into a fluid state. While in this state, the mage can pass through tiny holes and crevices, squeeze through tight iron bars, and flow through plumbing. The mage cannot fit inside of enclosed objects that are smaller than her total volume. (For instance, a mage cannot fit herself entirely into a teapot, even though she could squeeze through the spout. The mage gains the formless condition (you see if a sword does anything to a puddle or a fog). While flowing around as a fluid, the mage is immune to any damage of the same element, but the opposite element deals Tainted Damage.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a air spell  Mister Mist This is a slime spell  Ectoplasmic Form This is a water spell  Body of Water
This is a dark spell  Shadow Man

Intensity Effects

The mage's speed is dependent on Intensity.

  1. 1 foot per Action Point
  2. 2 feet per Action Point
  3. Normal speed
  4. Double normal speed
  5. Triple normal speed

Gate Key

This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 4 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts Permanent
Target Object Save

The mage binds an elemental to a small object she holds in hand. The next creature or creatures who make contact with the object are taken to the location where the object was originally enchanted. The spell and elemental remain bound to the object until activated.

Intensity Effects

  1. Normal operation of the spell, anyone who touches the object activates the spell unconditionally.
  2. The mage can choose one limiting condition for the activation of the spell (for instance, the creature touching the object must know a password)
  3. The mage can choose two limiting conditions for the activation of the spell (the creature touching the object must know a password and have in their possession a specific item)
  4. The mage can specify specific individuals who can activate the spell with no conditions
  5. The mage can decide if a creature can be transported at the instant it touches the object. For instance, Akare touches a magic shoe which acts as a Gate Key, and the Phineas, the caster, is alerted and declines the transport.


This spell has a stygian essence This is a verdance spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle
Counter Slow

The mage lights a fire under somebody's rear and makes them a celerity celebrity. In all regards, the target speeds up: mentally and physically. To the target, the world seems to be slowed down. While Hastened, the target gains additional Action Points relative to the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 Action Point
  2. +2 Action Points
  3. +3 Action Points
  4. +4 Action Points
  5. +5 Action Points

Harden/Soften Earth

This spell has a mutative essence This is a earth spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Earth Save

The mage wills a mass of earth, whether solid rock or gooey mud to either soften or harden respectively. When softened, the earth has the consistency of watery mud, which is extremely slippery. If the mage hardens soft earth with creatures inside, they'll be trapped but not crushed. If entirely submerged, they'll suffocate. The type of material that can be liquefied or solidified depends on Intensity. The area that can be affected is 10 foot radius and 1 foot depth per school rank (so a mage with 5 ranks could melt a 50 foot radius that is 5 feet deep).

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage can turn mud to sand or dirt and vice versa
  2. The mage can turn mud to shale and vice versa
  3. The mage can turn mud to hard stone and vice versa
  4. The mage can turn mud to granite and vice versa
  5. The mage can turn mud to crystal and vice versa

Hardened Body

This spell has a mutative essence This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a metal spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage calls upon elemental power to magically harden his skin. While in this state, the mage gains immunity to magic attacks of the same element, plus an armor bonus to his Guard Roll dependent on the Intensity. The mage also deals an additional point of Harm per level of Intensity to any hand-to-hand attacks. The mage's skin is unaffected by any spell that manipulates the element in question. In this hardened state, magic attacks of the opposing element deal Tainted Damage. Earth is opposed by air, ice is opposed by fire, metal is opposed by slime, verdance is opposed by ruin.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Cold Hearted This is a earth spell  Diamondback This is a metal spell  Juggernaut
This is a verdance spell  Treelimb

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 armor, +1 Harm
  2. +4 armor, +2 Harm
  3. +6 armor, +3 Harm
  4. +8 armor, +4 Harm
  5. +10 armor, +5 Harm

Health Drain

Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage conjures a vile conduit between himself and another being. Through it, he saps the very life force from the creature and invigorates himself with it. Health can only be drained by touch, so the mage must make a hand-to-hand Attack Roll. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes his Casting Roll, and the target makes its Mettle save. For every point of success over the target's save, the mage receives one health point and the target loses one health point. If the amount exceeds the creature's current HP total, the creature dies — writhing in agony. The mage cannot bolster his HP beyond his normal maximum.

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 Spell Harm
  2. +2 Spell Harm
  3. +3 Spell Harm
  4. +4 Spell Harm
  5. +5 Spell Harm

Hear Thoughts

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per spell rank
Target Self Save Mind Control

The mage gains the ability to violate the private sanctum of nearby minds and pull out useful bits of information. He can weed through the synapses of a person's conscious thought, and intercept the electrical impulses that fly between. The mage can read minds up to 5 feet away per spell rank. Usually, creatures subject to this spell have no idea they're being read. Only creatures with minds have thoughts; plant creatures, animate objects, and some undead are right out.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage can get a general feeling of mood and reaction from a person ("I don't like that," "I am angry!").
  2. The mage can tell distinct reactions, mood, and when a person is lying ("I hate the man that just walked in," "I am fibbing!")
  3. The mage can hear surface thoughts. ("I am really hungry," "That girl is hot,")
  4. The mage can hear more specific thoughts. ("Just wait till they see the magic dagger I've got in my pocket,")
  5. The mage can weed through a mind and pick out desired information. Searching for information in a specific mind in this fashion takes 6 AP to listen to the thoughts. ("The keys to the chest are in my backpack")


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a ruin spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Area Save
Counter Amplify

Turn that Guns n' Butter Down! Just the opposite of the sound spell Amplify, Dampening a sound magically draws energy from the sound waves of an object or area, in effect reaching in and turning down the volume. This effect doesn't cause the sound to be any quieter, instead it decreases the distance the sound can cover. This spell is cast on an area, and covers a radius of 5 feet per school rank. It can be centered on a creature or object, and wherever the center goes, the Hushed effects go with it. The effect of this spell is that any Perception checks made to hear the sounds are at a greater difficulty (so in effect, distance penalties are increased).

Intensity Effects

  1. Perception DL +2
  2. Perception DL +4
  3. Perception DL +6
  4. Perception DL +8
  5. Perception DL +10

Inflict Pain

This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle

The Dark Mage wracks the target with intolerable pain from which he/she cannot escape. The damage done in this manner moves the target along the Knockout Track, but does no lethal damage. The target will likely scream and spasm as pain wracks their body. When the spell ends, the pain goes away and the target reverts to whatever stage on the Knockout Track they previously occupied.

Intensity Effects

  1. One stage down on the Knockout Track
  2. Two stages down
  3. Three stages down
  4. Four stages down
  5. Five stages down

Infrared Eyes

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a light spell This is a fire spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage's vision shifts to the infrared spectrum. This spell is useful for detecting heat sources, for example, the number of guards on a parapet at night, the power sources are in a building, or the footsteps of a fugitive through the woods. Neutral objects are dark blue. Depending on their heat output, they appear anywhere from blue or green through yellow, orange, red, or white. Cold objects appear purple or black. Invisible objects and creatures are undetectable by this spell.

Intensity Effects

  1. 100 ft radius
  2. 200 ft radius
  3. 300 ft radius
  4. 400 ft radius
  5. 500 ft radius


This spell has a compulsory essence This is a dark spell 

Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Creature Save Sanity

The mage barrages an unwitting target's mind with vile magic, causing the victim to go temporarily insane. Instead of imposing a medically-recognized mental disorder, this spell throws a dark veil between a creature's mind and the real world; it corrupts and twists a creature's perceptions. Their wits will abandon ship and the world will seem a bizarre place; they will perceive horrible sounds and sights that enfeeble their minds.

Intensity Effects

For each level of Intensity, this spell imposes a −2 penalty to any roll which requires concentration or mental clarity: Healing, Machinery, Discern, Lore, Craft, Translate, and Perception. The penalties also apply to casting spells and the use of ranged weaponry. Any conditions noted below are cumulative.

  1. The target takes −2 to the noted actions.
  2. The target takes a total of −4 to the noted actions and is also considered Muted. It is no longer able to communicate with other creatures, and may begin mumbling incomprehensibly.
  3. The target takes a total of −6 to the noted actions and is also considered Confused with the following adjustment. If it attacks, the target should roll d100. On 1–33, it attacks an ally, on 34–66, it attacks an opponent, on 67–100, it attacks a target that isn't there. Cue random sobbing and laughing.
  4. The target takes a total of −8 to the noted actions and is also considered Prone. The target collapses to the ground and crawls to the nearest solid object (e.g. wall, furniture, corpse) so it can cling to it and babble, cry, laugh, and shake uncontrollably.
  5. The target takes a total of −10 to the noted actions and is also considered Paralyzed. Its ability to perceive reality has been obscured entirely by dark magic and it sits muttering to itself, ignorant of the events around it.


This spell has a illusory essence This is a light spell This is a dark spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per spell rank
Target Creature/Object Save

"You're stark invisible!" The target of this spell becomes completely transparent and all light passes through him. He receives a +8 bonus to Stealth rolls, and catches any combat targets wide-eyed. Once an invisible creature's presence is detected, any offensive combat rolls to harm him take a −8 penalty, as if the combatant were blind. Note that an invisible creature still possesses mass and can be detected through scent, sound, or environmental disturbances (e.g. rain, powder). The See Magic spell will reveal the auras of any invisible creatures and objects cast at the same Intensity. All benefits of invisibility are negated against creatures which do not rely upon sight. Objects which are turned invisible are difficult to find. The GM should set a Search DL which depends on the size of the invisible object.

Intensity Effects

  1. Invisible, if the mage is knocked into, the victim of a successful attack, or otherwise commits a blunder (e.g. rolls a critical failure), the spell ends.
  2. Invisible.
  3. Invisible, may attack normally.
  4. Invisible, may attack normally, anything the mage picks up becomes invisible.
  5. Invisible, may attack normally, anything the mage picks up becomes invisible, anyone in contact with the mage become invisible.

Invitation Only

Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a warding essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One hour per spell skill
Target Area Save

The Invitation Only spell was created for one purpose by a hedge wizard farmer. "Let's see that damn dog get in here now," he exclaimed when the spell was complete. This spell at varying powers can keep specific nuisances out of an area; it's always the room in which the spell is cast and the size of the room doesn't matter. The mage can also cast it on an outdoors enclosed area, like a high-fenced castle garden. The spell keeps individuals from teleporting into the room and keeps all sounds and smells inside.

Intensity Effects

  1. The spell allows in any creature that meets a specific condition (for instance, the creature must know a password, or this clubhouse is boys-only).
  2. The spell allows in any creature that meets two conditions (for instance, the creature must know a password and have in their possession a specific item, men cannot enter unless they bring single women with them).
  3. The spell allows in any creature that meets three conditions (for instance, the creature must know a password, have an item, and be Vidari; Lynn can't come to bingo unless she brings a six pack and a single lacrosse player)
  4. The mage can specify specific individuals who can activate the spell with no conditions
  5. The mage can decide if a creature can be transported at the instant it tries to enter the room. For instance, Akare tries to open the door to the Invitation Only room, and the Phineas, the caster, is alerted and declines the entrance.


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a stygian essence This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Mettle
Counter Sudden Death

With the rejuvenating potential of the forces of verdance, the mage can give back what was once lost. Specifically, this spell undoes the lethal power of Death Marks.

Normally, only living creatures can hold Death Marks (i.e. creatures of a bestial, humanoid, legendary, or plantlike nature). When a mage targets an undead creature with this spell, it actually works in reverse and forces “Life Marks” upon them. Undead creatures suffer no penalties while holding 4 or fewer Life Marks, but five will impose the immobile condition, and six will destroy the creatures in dramatic fashion.

Intensity Effects

Each level of intensity releases an additional Death Mark.

  1. Removes 1 Death Mark
  2. Removes 2 Death Marks
  3. Removes 3 Death Marks
  4. Removes 4 Death Marks
  5. Removes 5 Death Marks


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a light spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts One hour per spell rank
Target Object Save
Counter Darkness

Light is cast in order to illuminate one's way. The conjurer chooses a target inanimate item (stone, gem, sword, suit of armor, button, wall, corpse, candle) and imbues it with a radiance that can help in navigating caves and other dark places. The mage can expend an extra magic point at a later time to increase the intensity of the light to a higher level. He or she can also reduce or raise the light to the maximum level for the spell at will.

Intensity Effects

  1. A weak light is created, enough to light five feet in front of the conjurer
  2. A good light is created, enough to illuminate an entire small room clearly
  3. A strong light may be created, enough to illuminate a large hall
  4. A severe light may be created, enough to cause those looking at the object creating the light to look away. Attacks directed at anyone in possession of the object or close by are at a −2 penalty
  5. A blinding light may be created, equal to an unveiled desert sun at its zenith. Creatures not protecting their eyes will be blinded until two rounds after the light is extinguished.

Lightning Bolt

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Guard Roll

The mage chooses a creature in the distance where a bolt of lightning strikes. On a critical success for the Attack Roll, this bolt arcs to a nearby creature (and futher arc for subsequent critical successes). Anyone within this field of lightning must make a Guard roll to avoid damage. If a creature is struck by the bolt, it takes a small amount of damage and is slowed by the paralytic properties of the electricity. The creature is considered Stunned and acts last in the initiative order.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 Spell Attack (Electricity)
  2. +4 Spell Attack (Electricity)
  3. +6 Spell Attack (Electricity)
  4. +8 Spell Attack (Electricity)
  5. +10 Spell Attack (Electricity)


This spell has a mutative essence This is a electricity spell This is a metal spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per rank
Target Object Save

Keep your enemies at bay or open the door from your easy chair. The mage uses the flows of magnetism to shut and seal or unlock and open any lock, latch, or entranceway. Doors and windows aren't the only things that can be locked or unlocked — manacles, chests, a portcullis, gate, or drawbridge are also prime candidates for this spell.

As a defensive (locking) spell, each level of Intensity grants a bonus to the Casting Roll. The result of the roll determines the Machinery DL needed to bypass the lock. As an offensive (unlocking) spell, the spell must be cast at the same Intensity as the lock in place (non-magical locks count as Intensity 1) and instantly undoes it.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each. If this spell is cast using the Metal element, the locking mechanism or entranceway must be metallic.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 to Machinery DL versus opening. Can be used to automatically unlock non-magical locks, and magic locks of Intensity 1.
  2. +4 to DL. Can be used to unlock magic locks of Intensity 2.
  3. +6 to DL. Can be used to unlock magic locks of Intensity 3.
  4. +8 to DL. Can be used to unlock magic locks of Intensity 4.
  5. +10 to DL. Can be used to unlock magic locks of Intensity 5.


This spell has a perceptive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Area Save

The mage summons a small group of Lesser Elementals that can move around unnoticed and serve as the mage's eyes and ears. For the duration of the spell, the mage can concentrate and perceive exactly what the elementals perceive, as well as direct their movement. The elementals take the form of a bestial or legendary creature related to their element. For example: dark mages can summon bats; light mages can summon will-o'-the-wisps; electricity mages can summon wasps; water mages can summon fish; air mages can summon birds; earth mages can summon snakes; fire mages can summon lizards; ice mages can summon weasels; metal mages can summon rats; slime mages can summon frogs; verdance mages can summon fairies; ruin mages can summon scarabs. Despite their outward appearance, they retain their elemental Nature. The mage makes a Casting Roll and this serves in place of a Perception check on the remote end. The effective "transmission range" between the mage and the elementals increases with every level of Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Perception at a range of 100 yards
  2. Perception at a range of 1/4 mile
  3. Perception at a range of 1/2 mile
  4. Perception at a range of 1 mile
  5. Perception at a range of 2 miles


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Permanent
Target Object (plant) Save

The mage flexes her green thumb and makes a single plant's growth surge rapidly out of control. The exponential growth results in any useful object that can be constructed from plant matter: a broom, a ladder, a battering ram, a spear, a canoe, a cage. The object is completely functional and presents as an intricate tangle of vines, branches, logs, and planks. The mage can only incite such growth from a single living plant, whether it's rooted in the ground or planted in a pot. The effects of this spell consume the plant. The Intensity of the spell determines the size of the produced object.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size −2 and below. A basket, a mallet, a bucket.
  2. Size 0 and below. A coffee table, a chest, a wheelbarrow.
  3. Size 2 and below. An empty ale cask, a two-wheeled cart, a king-sized sleigh bed.
  4. Size 4 and below. A merchant booth, a gallows platform, a carriage.
  5. Size 6 and below. A cabin, a siege weapon, a bridge.


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a dynamic essence This is a metal spell This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 3 Lasts 1 round per rank
Target Object (weapon) Save N/A

A mage touches a melee weapon comprised at least partially of metal and surrounds it with a strong magnetism. While magnetized, the weapon is much more suited to disarming an opponent. The target of the disarm attempt, also, must be holding a weapon comprised entirely or partially out of metal in order for the mage to receive the disarm bonus.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each (either Metal or Electricity).

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 to Disarm
  2. +4 to Disarm
  3. +6 to Disarm
  4. +8 to Disarm
  5. +10 to Disarm


This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

This spell takes hold of a Bestial, Humanoid, or Legendary target's body and puts it under the control of the caster. The caster must have one hand free to "puppeteer" the target, as it were, but otherwise is free to act normally. So long as the caster has a free hand to gesture and maintains concentration, the target of the Marionette spell can be commanded to act against his will. The target is at −5 to all physical rolls, as the struggle to maintain bodily control ensues.

Intensity Effects

  1. One creature
  2. Two creatures
  3. Three creatures
  4. Four creatures
  5. Five creatures


This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per rank
Target Creature Save Lucidity

The mage magically fabricates an illusory disguise for a target. Instead of making a Disguise check, the target of this spell uses the Casting Roll, and instead of a Discern check, people viewing the costumes must make a Lucidity check.

Intensity Effects

  1. +4 to the Casting Roll
  2. +8 to the Casting Roll
  3. +12 to the Casting Roll
  4. +16 to the Casting Roll
  5. +20 to the Casting Roll

Mental Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a electricity spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per spell rank
Target Creature Save

This spell grants a creature a mind of steel. The recipient of a Mental Ward is immune to any Compulsory spell.

Intensity Effects

The Intensity at which Mental Ward is cast is effective against charms of the same Intensity or lower.

Metamorphose Liquid

This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts Permanent
Target One contained liquid Save

Calling upon the ancient Alchemical functions of water, the mage transforms one liquid into another. Whether water into wine, beer into blood, flammable solvents into inert orange juice, or just ranch dressing into oil and vinegar, the mage has access to any non-magical liquid (i.e. not potions) he desires. The amount of liquid transformed is dependent on Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. One goblet.
  2. One pitcher.
  3. One tub.
  4. One fountain.
  5. One small lake.

Mirror Selves

This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage creates the illusion that there are more than one of him. The mirror images look exactly alike to the mage in respect to looks and gear, but are completely insubstantial. If the mirror images are the victim of a successful attack, they disappear with a satisfying pop! To produce the images, the mage needs to look into a reflective surface.

Intensity Effects

  1. 2 images
  2. 4 images
  3. 6 Images
  4. 8 images
  5. 10 images

Nauseating Breeze

This spell has a stygian essence This is a air spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts One round per rank
Target Area Save Vitality

The mage summons an area of rotten, horrid smells which sicken those unfortunate enough to step inside the bounds of the stench. Anyone inside the area of the spell (5 feet radius per level of Intensity) are unable to take any action besides retch and take a penalty to all checks.

Intensity Effects

  1. Queasy, moves one step down the Knockout Track
  2. Nauseated, moves two steps down the Knockout Track
  3. Vomiting Sporadically, moves three steps down the Knockout Track
  4. Vomiting Profusely, moves four steps down the Knockout Track
  5. Fetal Position, collapses on the ground in a nauseated heap


This spell has a perceptive essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts Ten minutes per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage gains the senses of a nocturnal animal, and sees better in darkness. Note that this spell cannot see through the spell Darkness.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage sees as if a full moon and stars are in the sky, even on a cloudy night.
  2. The mage sees as if carrying a candle, although no light is present.
  3. The mage sees as if carrying a sizable torch.
  4. The mage sees as if a bonfire followed behind him.
  5. The mage sees as if on a bright, sunny day, even in complete darkness.

Nullify Magic

This spell has a dynamic essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 5 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Spell Save

The result of this spell is a field of negative mana. The only purpose of it is to fizzle out opposing magic. It can be used to counterspell any spell being cast or dispel any magic currently in place. See the Magic chapter for more information on the counterspell and dispel actions.

Intensity Effects

The Intensity at which Nullify Magic is cast should equal the Intensity of spell being countered


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage shuts down the nervous system of a target, rendering them completely inert. Any flesh and blood creature targeted by this spell must make a Resilience check or gain the paralyzed condition. Paralyzed creatures simply stop dead in their tracks; they don't fall to the ground (unless, of course, they had wings and were flying). The Size of the targeted creature depends on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size −2 and below (an alternative to timeout for your kid)
  2. Size 0 and below (most humanoids)
  3. Size 3 and below (…and the horse they rode in on)
  4. Size 6 and below (how you keep an elephant from charging)
  5. Any size creature (Stop-zilla)


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence This is a earth spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts Permanent
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage turns a creature into solid rock. Only creatures composed of organic matter can be affected by this spell (e.g. flesh, wood, chitin). A mage can petrify a creature whether it be living, dead, or undead. For the target, this process seems like falling asleep. If a petrified creature is Reverted, any damage sustained while petrified persists. Any person that takes their HP in damage while petrified dies, and any attempts to Revert the spell will fail. The size of the targeted creature depends on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size −2 and below (how do you think they make garden gnomes?)
  2. Size 0 and below (most humanoids)
  3. Size 3 and below (…and the horse they rode in on)
  4. Size 6 and below (T. Rex? more like T. Rocks!)
  5. Any size creature (how they really built the Colossus of Rhodes)


This spell has a mutative essence This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a metal spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Self Save

Ice, metal, wooden, and earthen obstacles become minor nuisances to the mage. For the purposes of walking through an iron portcullis or a steel or stone door the mage is essentially a phantom, unaffected by such trifles. At higher intensities, the mage can survive a barrage of tin cans, a snowball fight, wooden javelins, or a stoning. A mage can dive into a solid object made out of the element in question and feels as if swimming. While submerged in an object, he can also see his surroundings. The mage is still subject to suffocation while phasing inside the element. The mage can bring along any equipment worn or in hand, but not other living creatures.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Cold Trail This is a earth spell  Stoneswim This is a metal spell  Pass Thru Metal
This is a verdance spell  Thru the Woods

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage moves at ¼ speed, but attacks still hurt
  2. The mage moves at ½ speed, can ignore small weapons, such as knives or, small rocks
  3. The mage moves at full speed, can ignore medium weapons, such as one-handed swords
  4. The mage is unaffected by the element, including the weapons of opponents (non-magical only), but will still suffer burns and untimely death if the target were to walk into a pool of melted ore or magma.
  5. The mage is unaffected by the element, including the weapons of opponents (non-magical only). Temperature of the element, sharpness, depth, density, and all other measurements as well have no bearing.


Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a compulsory essence This is a air spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per rank
Target Area Save Virtue

The mage exudes an exotic mixture of airborne, scentless pheromones which excite other creatures around them. The mage can affect an area of 10 feet in radius per rank.

Intensity Effects

Each level of Intensity of this spell improves or worsens the targets' Disposition.

  1. Adjust the Disposition of a character one step in either direction.
  2. Two steps.
  3. Three steps.
  4. Four steps.
  5. Five steps.

Poison Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a slime spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per spell rank
Target Creature Save

The mage casts a ward that infuses the blood of its target with potent magical defense against poisons and venoms. A person who is already suffering from poison or venom can receive the effects of this spell, but it only applies to subsequent poisoning. Remember that Cure counteracts natural and magic poisons.

Intensity Effects

  1. Immune to Poisons of Level One.
  2. Immune to Poisons of Level Two.
  3. Immune to Poisons of Level Three.
  4. Immune to Poisons of Level Four.
  5. Immune to Poisons of Level Five.


This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 6 Lasts One minute per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage temporarily reshapes a creature and grants it the form of something else. You could use this spell on an enemy; popular choices include pigs, sheep, and toads. You could use this spell on an ally; popular choices include wolves, bears, and rhinos. The mage can turn any bestial, humanoid, or legendary creature into any other bestial, humanoid, or legendary creature.

Except for a change in Size and Speed, transformed creatures use their existing statistics. They also gain the use of any attacks or capabilities the new form may have (such as an increased harm for hand-to-hand, a poisonous bite, or the ability to breathe underwater). Finally, they gain the skill bonuses of their new form (such as an apsarava's bonus to Hide, or a horse's bonus to Dash). This spell cannot grant the use of any supernatural abilities (such as a Gorgon's ability to petrify creatures, or a dragon's ability to breathe fire). Polymorph may be able to change a creature's form, but it cannot alter its nature. One last thing: most bestial creatures can't speak, not really, anyway, and most don't have hands, so those who have been Polymorphed into a bestial form can't speak or cast spells. Clothing and equipment are transformed along with their owner.

Each level of Intensity allows the mage to perform transformations on increasingly larger creatures (and into increasingly larger creatures).

Intensity Effects

  1. A creature of Size −2 and below can be given a new form of Size −2 and below
  2. A creature of Size 0 and below can be given a new form of Size 0 and below
  3. A creature of Size 2 and below can be given a new form of Size 2 and below
  4. A creature of Size 4 and below can be given a new form of Size 4 and below
  5. A creature of Size 6 and below can be given a new form of Size 6 and below

Pool Shark

This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts Ten minutes per spell rank
Target Creature Save

The mage instills in himself or in another the ability to breathe water as if it were air, as well as improved swimming ability. The manifestation of this spell typically confers gills on the recipient, but incurs no problem with breathing air above water as well. At higher Intensities, additional abilities are gained as well.

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 to Dash/Might for swimming. Retain ability to speak underwater. No wrinkly fingers.
  2. +2 to Dash/Might. Retain casting ability.
  3. +3 to Dash/Might. Gain ability to communicate with aquatic animals.
  4. +4 to Dash/Might. Gain fins: may move at normal speed underwater.
  5. +5 to Dash/Might. Gain scales: +1 to Guard Roll.

Portation Ward

This spell has a warding essence 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per spell rank
Target Area Save

This spell establishes a dead zone for Transportive magic. Nothing is able to teleport into, out of, or within the affected area. The spell covers an area dependent on Intensity. A Portation Ward can be centered on a creature or object, and wherever the center goes, the Portation Ward goes along with it.

Intensity Effects

  1. 10 ft. radius
  2. 20 ft. radius
  3. 30 ft. radius
  4. 40 ft. radius
  5. 50 ft. radius


This spell has a perceptive essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Object (remains) Save

The mage sifts through the remains of a person or object, and using this spell gleans information about the history of the object or person in the form of memory-like scenes. The vividness of the scenes increases per Intensity as follows.

Intensity Effects

  1. Can catch brief, visual glimpses of scenes.
  2. Sound as well as sight are available with the flashes.
  3. Smell is included as well.
  4. Touch and taste are included.
  5. The mage is immersed in the scene and can stay as long as he desires and experiences all five senses. The mage is essentially a ghost and will not be able to change events, only view them.

Quick Portal

This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 5 Distance Contact
AP 6 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Geometric opening Save

Sometimes a party needs to get out of somewhere — and fast. The mage uses this spell to turn an ordinary doorway, window, open grave, toilet, well, empty picture frame, hole, or other geometric opening into a portal to another location. The destination's distance away is determined by the Intensity. The elemental bound to the opening keeps the portal active until the time expires or after the mage has stepped through, at which point it closes. All portals require a key item; in this instance the mage himself is the key.

Intensity Effects

  1. The portal exits exactly where the mage intends up to 1 mile away.
  2. The portal exits exactly where the mage intends up to 10 miles away.
  3. The portal exits exactly where the mage intends up to 100 miles away.
  4. The portal exits exactly where the mage intends up to 500 miles away.
  5. The portal exits exactly where the mage intends up to 1,000 miles away.


This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell This is a status spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per rank
Target Creature Save Vitality

The poor soul targeted by this spell acts as if in the violent throes of dysentery. The world starts to spin and today's lunch wants to present itself. Depending on the Intensity, the target is more and more useless in battle.

As a Spellsong, this spell is known as Brown Note (while no naturally-produced sound wave can wreak havoc on the human bowels, surely a magically-produced sound can!).

Intensity Effects

  1. Queasy, moves one step down the Knockout Track
  2. Nauseated, moves two steps down the Knockout Track
  3. Vomiting Sporadically, moves three steps down the Knockout Track
  4. Vomiting Profusely, moves four steps down the Knockout Track
  5. Fetal Position, collapses on the ground in a nauseated heap


This spell has a mutative essence This is a ruin spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage can (depending on the element used) shrink or enlarge any creature. A resized creature becomes the average weight and height for the new Size. It assumes the Attack Roll, Evasion Roll, and Muscle bonus or penalty of the new Size score. It keeps its normal HP. Anything the target wears (e.g. clothes, armor, a backpack) resize along with it, and stay embiggened or shinkified as long as the spell lasts. Anything the target is carrying (e.g. weapons, shields, anything in a backpack) remain the same size.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each. If this spell is cast using the Verdance school, it can only increase a creature's size. If this spell is cast using the Ruin school, it can only decrease a creature's size.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size +/− 1
  2. Size +/− 2
  3. Size +/− 3
  4. Size +/− 4
  5. Size +/− 5


This spell has a mutative essence This is a status spell This is a light spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage can hit the undo button on spells with a Mutative essence. Revert can be cast on any creature currently suffering the effects of a Mutative spell. The opposite powers cancel each other out, and the Mutative spell immediately ends.

The power of this spell is meant to return a creature to its original form, so it only works on spells which alter a creature, not transport it (Return to Sender is what Banish is for). Additionally, this spell cannot be used to counter a Mutative spell being cast.

Intensity Effects

The Revert spell must be cast at the same Intensity or higher as the Mutative spell to be countered.

Rocket Boots

This spell has a mutative essence This is a fire spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The fire mage expels his inner mana, shooting out jets of fire from the bottom of his feet and hands. If the mage is in flight when the spell ends, the spell is dispelled, or the effect is subject to a Spell Ward, he plummets to the ground, taking 1 point of damage per foot fallen (subject to a Guard Roll). While the Fly spell lets the mage float gently to the ground, Rocket Boots allows for no such protection. Instead, it allows for a greater bonus to Dash checks.

Intensity Effects

  1. +4 bonus to Dash. The target needs to take a 10 foot running start to take off. The target tilts his or her body to the side to turn.
  2. +8 bonus to Dash. As Intensity 1, but the target can take off at will.
  3. +12 bonus to Dash.
  4. +16 bonus to Dash. As Intensity 3, but the target can hover.
  5. +20 bonus to Dash. The target has full maneuverability and can move in any direction, including backwards or to the side.


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence This is a slime spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Self Save

The mage enchants his own body with the unique properties of a rubbery substance. First, the mage becomes extremely durable and bouncy, gaining an immunity to falling damage, crushing damage, broken bones, and damage from bludgeoning weapons. Second, the mage gains supernatural elasticity, and cannot be strangled, hanged, stretched on the rack, nor dismembered by being pulled apart (e.g. by horses). Any attempt to stretch the limbs beyond the range of the spell will cause the restraints involved to fail (for example, the ropes tying the mage to horses riding in separate directions will end up snapping first). The mage can use his stretchy limbs to attack any foe within range as if they were adjacent in melée combat. The mage can stretch his limbs up to a total distance as noted by the Intensity (e.g. through the cell bars, around the corner, and up the stairs to grab the keys on the wall). A mage can rapidly climb to a height within reach by grabbing hold of it, allowing his rubbery limbs to slingshot him upward.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage's natural reach increases to two times his height (e.g. 6′ person can now reach 12′)
  2. Four times his height (e.g. 6′ person can now reach 24′)
  3. Six times his height (e.g. 6′ person can now reach 36′)
  4. Eight times his height (e.g. 6′ person can now reach 48′)
  5. Ten times his height (e.g. 6′ person can now reach 60′)

Run Like the Wind

This spell has a mutative essence This is a air spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The spirit of the wind surrounds the target's body, lifting its weight slightly and quite literally, putting the wind at the target's back. The target moves like the wind, pun very much intended.

Intensity Effects

  1. +3 bonus to Dash
  2. +6 bonus
  3. +9 bonus
  4. +12 bonus
  5. +15 bonus

Safe Haven

This spell has a mutative essence This is a verdance spell This is a earth spell 
Rarity 3 Distance N/A
AP 60 Lasts From casting time until an hour after inside creatures awake
Target N/A Save

Calling upon the forces of magic for aid, the mage requests a safe haven for rest and recovery. The earth opens up and envelops the mage (and at certain Intensities, a number of his allies). The mage is effectively absorbed into an enclosed cave. The cave has enough oxygen to sustain those inside for an entire night, as well as food in the form of edible fungi, lichens, and roots. Phosphorescent vegetation provides soft light and the entire space is warm. After a full night's rest, the occupants find an open entranceway to leave. Once all occupants leave, the ground reseals itself. If the occupants do not leave within an hour of waking, they risk being buried alive as the cave reseals itself. The amount of people that can fit in the cave is dependent on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage alone
  2. The mage and an extra being
  3. The mage and three beings
  4. The mage and six beings
  5. The mage and ten beings


Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a compulsory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per school rank
Target Creature Save Sanity

The Dark Mage takes a piece of his sick little mind and implants it in an unwitting victim, causing that person to seek violence to others. The target becomes Confused and gains a bonus to their Damage Rolls based on the Intensity. The target is under magical compulsion to cause others harm and so may not be talked out of violence or moved towards a friendlier disposition.

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 Hurt
  2. +2 Hurt
  3. +3 Hurt
  4. +4 Hurt
  5. +5 Hurt

Safe Keeping

This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 2 Distance N/A
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target N/A Save

The mage calls on a magic coat check of sorts — he makes contact with an elemental and implores it to store an item. The elemental takes possession of the object and stows it amongst the natural flows of mana. The item is no worse for the wear during its stay in the realm of magic, which could be indefinitely (many annoyed elementals have stockpiles of now-dead mages' crap). The mage and the elemental agree on a pass phrase that can be recited to have the object returned. Reciting a return chant takes 2 AP, but incurs no MP cost. A mage can claim another's items using the agreed-upon pass phrase and the original caster's name. Elementals tend not to get involved in property disputes, so the pass phrase should be guarded. Elementals may turn down a deal if the object in question opposes them somehow (e.g. a fire elemental may balk at having to store your frozen daiquiri, and an earth elemental wouldn't be caught dead with your new hang-glider). The size and kind of object that the elemental will take depends on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. A small object (keys, a pipe, an ace of spades)
  2. A medium object (a keg, a sack of money, the evidence against you)
  3. A large object (a ladder, a battering ram)
  4. A huge object (a great bronze statue, an outhouse)
  5. You can store in stasis any living creature (a treasured pet, a crucial witness, an illicit lover)


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 2 Lasts N/A
Target Object (weapon) Save Mettle

A mage places a vile aura around a held weapon (which could include the mage's own appendages). The mage makes a Casting Roll to determine the effectiveness of the spell, and chooses a weapon to endow. The mage attacks normally with the weapon, and if the target takes damage from the attack, it makes a Mettle save against the Casting Roll. If this save fails, the weapon inflicts a horrendous wound, which festers and stings, and may not be healed normally without powerful outside help. When the wound is healed, it leaves a nasty looking scar which is sure to fade slowly, if at all. Cheer up; chicks dig scars. As soon as damage is dealt, the spell is discharged and the weapon returns to normal (a miss does not discharge the spell; it lingers until harm is done).

Intensity Effects

The amount of tainted damage dealt by a failed save depends on the Intensity.

  1. 1 point of Tainted Damage
  2. 2 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 5 points

See Magic

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a light spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One round per spell rank
Target Self Save

To the mage, magic items and effects stand out with a glittery blue glow. The mage cannot see further than his or her normal sight distance. The amount of information the mage can divine from a magic aura is dependent on the Intensity. If a creature or an item has multiple auras due to several active spells, the mage can only identify one per round, but can determine the total number of auras upon first sight. The mage can even see auras on invisible things, so long as the spell is cast at the same Intensity as the Invisibility spell.

Intensity Effects

  1. Magic items and people under magical effects glow blue
  2. The mage can identify the Intensity
  3. The mage can also identify the spell name
  4. The mage can also identify the skill ranks the caster had in the spell
  5. The mage can also identify the signature of the caster

Shadow Puppet

This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 2 minutes per rank
Target Area Save Lucidity

The mage summons an illusion made of solid darkness. The effect looks, sounds, smells, tastes, and feels completely real. One could summon the scent of roast turkey, the sound of laughter, the image of a loved one, the taste of a fine merlot, or the touch, the feel of cotton. The mage can change and control the illusion just like a puppet for the duration of the spell. Even though the image may seem real, it can't cause any damage. Light produced cannot blind, sound cannot deafen, scent cannot sicken, and touch cannot harm — a target might feel such pain, but it's only in the mind. In addition, the illusion isn't functional; a false rowboat won't get you across a lake (you may feel dry, but you won't be), and a false wagon can't hold any goods (you'll be loading crates into the street). Any target interacting with the illusion can make a Lucidity save to realize its false nature.

Intensity Effects

The Size of the illusion depends on the Intensity.

  1. Size −2 and below. A house cat, a bulldog, a pot of soup, a satchel of gold, a crying baby.
  2. Size 0 and below. A human, a roast pig, a sack of flour, a desk.
  3. Size 2 and below. A pony, a cannon, a kulgeri, a cask of ale.
  4. Size 4 and below. A horse and wagon, a rhino, a five-piece band, a merchant booth.
  5. Size 6 and below. A juren, a sailboat, a war elephant, siege weaponry.

Shift Element

This spell has a mutative essence This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a water spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Object Save

This spell is capable of transposing great amounts of a single element, be it earth, ice, or water. The mage must be within 10 feet of the element he or she wants to move. For this reason, it is often difficult to upset the foundations of large buildings, for fear that they would collapse upon the mage. The amount of the element moved is dependent on the Intensity, and it can be moved up to 15 feet away per school rank. Note that the element you move doesn't vanish, it needs a place to relocate.

An ice mage is capable of transposing great amounts of ice and snow which could be useful for burying things, undoing an avalanche, or even clearing off your driveway. An earth mage can move stone, earth, and dirt, which could be useful for burying things, clearing landslides, liberating allies from cave-ins, moat construction, or even razing. A water mage is capable of transposing great amounts of water between two locations, which could be useful for diverting a rising river, filling a pool or moat, saving or capsizing a sinking ship, or washing people off a bridge.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Snow Plow This is a earth spell  Dig This is a water spell  Floodwaters

Intensity Effects

  1. Till a small garden, sink a canoe, make yourself a few snow men (20 cu. ft./150 gallons)
  2. Dig a 6-foot cemetery plot or fill up that big fish tank (100 cu. ft./750 gallons)
  3. Who doesn't need a trench on the battlefield? Sink a small sail boat. Make yourself a sizable ice cabin. (500 cu. ft./3,750 gallons)
  4. Forget a trench, we need a series of interconnecting tunnels. Fill up a typical backyard swimming pool. Forget a cabin, how about an ice cave? (2,500 cu. ft., about the volume of a 40 foot shipping container)
  5. When you need a hole just shy of a 100,000 gallon swimming pool. Drain a small lake. Tell that iceberg to get out of the way. (12,500 cu. ft.)


This spell has a stygian essence This is a ruin spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Area Save Mettle

The mage makes a call to Mr. Sandman to escort targets to the land of nod. Creatures targeted by this spell are slapped by magic that instantly exhausts them and forces them to fall into peaceful sleep. Creatures capable of standing and sleeping (e.g. horses) fall asleep where they stand, but for the most part, the target will fall down, releasing anything carried. Sleep is cast on an area, and any vulnerable creatures within must save or pass out. A target creature must fit entirely in the area of effect (e.g. you're not gonna fit an elephant into that 5′ circle, friend). Any creature immune to the unconscious condition can't be sedated by this spell.

Intensity Effects

  1. 5 ft radius
  2. 10 ft radius
  3. 15 ft radius
  4. 20 ft radius
  5. 25 ft radius

Sound Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a ruin spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts One minute per spell rank
Target Area Save

When Sound Ward is cast on an area, anything that would normally cause sound in that area does not. Sounds entering the warded area from outside dissipate as soon as they reach the ward. As soon as people or objects leave a Sound Warded area, they resume making sounds. The radius of the ward is based on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. 5 feet
  2. 10 feet
  3. 15 feet
  4. 20 feet
  5. 25 feet

Spell Ward

This spell has a warding essence This is a ruin spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target Area Save

The area covered by a Spell Ward is completely immune to Magic spells of the Intensity cast and lower (for instance, an Intensity 3 Spell Ward negates all Intensity 3 spells, but not Intensity 4 or 5). A Spell Ward can only be removed by casting Nullify Magic. A Spell Ward covers an area of 10 foot radius per school rank (e.g. a caster with 5 ranks in this spell can cast a 50-foot radius Spell Ward). Magic objects and active spells temporarily cease to function while in a Spell Ward, however they resume functioning normally when the spell ends or when they leave the area of effect. A creature who is inside of a Spell Ward cannot cast spells. A Spell Ward can be centered on a creature or object, and wherever the center goes, the Spell Ward goes along with it.

Intensity Effects

The Intensity at which Spell Ward is cast is effective against spells of the same Intensity or lower.


This spell has a stygian essence This is a ruin spell This is a status spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per spell rank
Target Creature Save Mettle
Counter Haste

This spell saps the energies of quickness — the target acts as if in a dream, where his swings come as if through a jar of molasses and feel as if their feet are glued to the ground. The target can think at normal speed, but their body simply doesn't react quickly enough. Effectively, this spell temporarily decreases the Action Points of a target for its duration.

Intensity Effects

  1. −1 Action Point
  2. −2 Action Points
  3. −3 Action Points
  4. −4 Action Points
  5. −5 Action Points

Stay Put

Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a dynamic essence This is a earth spell This is a ice spell This is a metal spell This is a slime spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per rank
Target Area Save Might

The mage causes things to be stuck in place — bad if they're trying to get away, good if they want to not be moved! The mage makes an Attack Roll using the Magic weapon skill, and can choose any targets in the area of effect. If a target fails its Dodge Roll (or opts out), any appendages which are in contact with a surface (e.g. feet on the ground, hands on a bar) are trapped. The target gains the grabbed condition. If the target rolls a Critical Failure, they gain the immobilized condition. The mage makes a Casting Roll, the result of which is what the target must meet on a Might check to be freed from the entrapment (the target's buddies can try to yank their pal out of the trap with their own Might checks, also). Slam attempts on trapped targets must also meet the Casting Roll.

The mage can target not only creatures, but objects and vehicles, too. Unattended objects (e.g. a crate) are automatically pinned, but vehicles in motion (e.g. a wagon) can use the driver's Animal Control or Machinery check (whether the vehicle is drawn or powered) in place of a Dodge. A creature, object, or vehicle must fit entirely in the area of effect to be pinned.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Every elemental school has a nickname for this spell.

This is a ice spell  Freeze! This is a earth spell  Bury This is a slime spell  Glue
This is a metal spell  Shackles This is a verdance spell  Root

Intensity Effects

  1. 5 ft radius
  2. 10 ft radius
  3. 15 ft radius
  4. 20 ft radius
  5. 25 ft radius

Steal Strength

This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts Two rounds per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage channels parasitic magic into a target, sapping their Muscle and bestowing it on the mage's self. This means the target will be down that many Muscle and the Dark Mage will be up that many for the duration. At the end of the spell, both parties' Muscle scores return to normal. The target can never be brought below 0 Muscle in this fashion.

Intensity Effects

The amount of Muscle gained is dependent on the Intensity.

  1. +/−1 Muscle
  2. +/−2 Muscle
  3. +/−3 Muscle
  4. +/−4 Muscle
  5. +/−5 Muscle


This spell has a mutative essence This is a metal spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per rank
Target Object (metal) Save

This spell bestows immediate power to shape and sharpen metal weapons and objects to the caster. A steel door could be shaped and fashioned into a shield; a brass candlestick could be made into a dagger; a suit of armor could turn into a cannonball. The spell has limitations however: brass cannot be turned into steel, nor iron into gold. That power lies in the Alchemist’s Dream. Size and complexity of the object is dependent on spell intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Small size, crude or blunt item, such as a club
  2. Small size, simple or edged item, such as a dagger
  3. Medium size item, such as a shield, longsword, or a bucket
  4. Large size item, such as a door, greatsword, or suit of armor
  5. A very complex or detailed item, such as a clock, statue


This spell has a mutative essence This is a electricity spell This is a metal spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage uses powerful electromagnetism to forcibly and quickly snatch an object from a creature's possession. This can be used to deprive someone of their clothes, backpack, armor, sword, shield, kitten, or lunch (uneaten). The mage makes an Attack Roll using the Magic weapon skill. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes a Casting Roll, and the target makes a Resilience save. If multiple layers of armor are worn, the spell must be cast for each of them. For instance, a character can wear brigandine over mail. If the mage casts the spell once, the brigandine is removed leaving the mail armor; casting a spell a second time will remove the mail armor as well. Undoing the fasteners on a suit of armor or other worn object causes it to be completely removed during the round in which the spell is cast. Magic armor and similar objects can add their magic enchantment bonus to the creature's Resilience roll.

If cast from the Metal school, this spell is known as This is a metal spell  Unbuckle. A metal mage can undo ties that bind: buckles, buttons, snaps, zippers, and other metal fastenings. This can be used to deprive someone of a worn item so long as the fasteners that hold these objects in place, or the objects themselves are metallic. Many pieces of clothing are held on with metal fasteners, as well (however, this is up to the poverty level, availability of metals to the culture, etc.) This spell cannot be used to open locks, doors, or latches nor can it be used on non-metallic fastenings (such as leather lacing).

Intensity Effects

  1. +1 bonus to the Casting Roll
  2. +2 bonus
  3. +3 bonus
  4. +4 bonus
  5. +5 bonus

Sudden Death

Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a stygian essence This is a ruin spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Mettle
Counter Lifesaver

The mage calls on the most violent and destructive energies and directs them at a target creature. If the target doesn't save, they are rendered impaired, comatose, or dead. This spell literally drains the life right out of them by imposing two or more Death Marks.

Normally, only living creatures can hold Death Marks (i.e. creatures of a bestial, humanoid, legendary, or plantlike nature). When a mage targets an undead creature with this spell, it actually works in reverse and removes “Life Marks” that have been forced upon them (see the “Lifesaver” spell).

As a Spellsong, this spell is known as Banshee's Wail.

Intensity Effects

Each level of intensity hands the target an additional Death Mark.

  1. Two Death Marks
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five
  5. Six


This spell has a compulsory essence This is a electricity spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Near
AP 2 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Mind Control

The mage redirects the electrical impulses in a creature's brain, rendering a spoken command that is issued to the creature absolute. The target of the spell must be able to hear and understand your language. You don't need to see their identification; these are not the Gear Golems you're looking for.

Intensity Effects

  1. The mage can issue one word commands (e.g. "sleep", "leave", "sneeze")
  2. The mage can issue two word commands (e.g. "drop that", "attack her", "sit down")
  3. The mage can issue three word commands (e.g. "give me that", "sheathe your sword")
  4. The mage can issue a one-sentence command (e.g. "Stay here and make sure he doesn't leave")
  5. The mage can issue a command of any length and detail, including sequential instructions.

Summon Elemental

This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 2 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 2 rounds per spell rank
Target N/A Save Resilience

The mage makes extra-dimensional contact with an elemental. If the roll fails, the elemental doesn't appear. If the roll is botched, the elemental comes after the mage! Elementals, like all summoned entities, can be Banished back to their origin.

When learning this spell, the mage must choose the specific element that is used when cast. A mage can learn this spell in different elemental schools, but must buy Spell skill ranks in each.

Intensity Effects

  1. Summon Least Elemental
  2. Summon Lesser Elemental
  3. Summon Greater Elemental
  4. Summon Major Elemental
  5. Summon Arch-Elemental

Summon Fog

This spell has a illusory essence This is a air spell This is a water spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per rank
Target Area Save Lucidity

The mage conjures up a thick, illusory fog. It stifles visibility, muffles, and confuses; sounds and sights within the fog are more difficult to notice. The fog spans a radius of 20 feet per spell rank. Any creature within the fog can make a Lucidity save to realize the fog's illusory nature. A successful save will halve the Perception and ranged combat penalties.

Intensity Effects

For each level of Intensity, creatures receive higher penalties to Perception and ranged combat.

  1. −2 to Perception and ranged Attack Rolls
  2. −4 to Perception and ranged Attack Rolls
  3. −6 to Perception and ranged Attack Rolls
  4. −8 to Perception and ranged Attack Rolls
  5. −10 to Perception and ranged Attack Rolls


This spell has a stygian essence This is a fire spell This is a ice spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage reaches into the soul of a creature and fiddles with its body temperature. If the target of this spell fails its save, it gains the exposed condition. No amount of thermal blankets or ice packs can help, and the creature will eventually freeze to death or die of heat stroke. If the creature survives through the spell's duration, a full night's sleep will remove any incurred Knockout Track penalties caused by Stamina Drain. The size of the targeted creature depends on the Intensity.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. Fire mages can boil the blood and cause hyperthermia. Ice mages can freeze the blood and cause hypothermia.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size −2 and below (a beaver with a fever)
  2. Size 0 and below (most humanoids)
  3. Size 3 and below (…and the horse they rode in on)
  4. Size 6 and below (…and their juren friend)
  5. Any size creature (settle the argument about dinosaurs being cold blooded)


This spell has a stygian essence This is a water spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 12 hours per rank
Target Creature Save Mettle

The mage places a curse on a creature which steals the moisture from its body and instills in it an insatiable thirst. If the target of this spell fails its save, it gains the dehydrated condition. Water turns to dust in its mouth and it slowly withers into a desiccated husk. If the creature survives through the spell's duration, a full night's sleep will remove any incurred Knockout Track penalties caused by Stamina Drain. The size of the targeted creature depends on the Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. Size −2 and below ("why is your cat drinking so much?")
  2. Size 0 and below (most humanoids)
  3. Size 3 and below (…and the horse they rode in on)
  4. Size 6 and below (no water for those elephants)
  5. Any size creature (even a sea monster can die of thirst)


Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a mutative essence This is a water spell This is a air spell This is a dark spell This is a metal spell This is a earth spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Medium
AP 4 Lasts 1 round per rank
Target Creature/Object Save Resilience

The mage can interact with creatures and objects from a distance. For the duration of this spell, the mage has an unbreakable hold on the target, and can move it, as though they were pulling, pushing, or lifting it themselves. A creature under the effects of this spell gains the immobilized condition. The mage can interact with and move any target within the spell's range. The mage can only move the target as fast as their own speed. The mage must keep the spell active by keeping one hand empty for its duration.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy magic element ranks in each. Air mages can use this spell on any target that remains surrounded by air; great for lifting anything to the sky. Water mages can use this spell on any target that remains surrounded by water; great for pulling stuff from the deep. Dark mages can use this spell on any target that remains surrounded by pitch darkness; great for making things go bump in the night. Metal mages can use this spell on any target that is made of or covered in metal. Earth mages can use this spell on any target that is made of or covered in an earth-like material (e.g. brick, glass, ceramic, crystalline).

Intensity Effects

The Size of the creature or object shoved around by Telekinesis depends on the Intensity.

  1. A creature or object of Size −2 and below
  2. A creature or object of Size 0 and below
  3. A creature or object of Size 2 and below
  4. A creature or object of Size 4 and below
  5. A creature or object of Size 6 and below

Teleport Circle

Pylon.svg This rule simply needs tweaking. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. It's half-way in between sexy and in need of overhaul. Leave any ideas on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a transportive essence This spell can be powered by any element 
Rarity 5 Distance Contact
AP 6 Lasts N/A
Target Creatures Save

The mage rides the flows of magic to a remote location with all his buddies, their equipment, and their pets in tow. The mage can bring along one living creature in addition to himself per spell rank. The mage need not have ever visited the destination to successfully journey there. All of the passengers on the trip need to be in contact with each other when the spell activates.

Intensity Effects

  1. Up to 100 yards
  2. Up to a mile
  3. Up to 10 miles
  4. Up to 100 miles
  5. Up to 1,000 miles


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a electricity spell This is a sound spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts N/A
Target Area Save Stamina

The mage summons a blast of noise with his or her commanding presence. It rumbles the area, causing deafness and knocking creatures to the ground. A harmless flash of light accompanies this devastating effect. Creatures in the area must save against Deafness and make a Gymnastics check against the spell roll to keep from falling down under the shock of the sound waves. Deafness lasts one hour per spell rank.

Intensity Effects

  1. 10 foot radius
  2. 20 foot radius
  3. 30 foot radius
  4. 40 foot radius
  5. 50 foot radius

Wall Crawler

This spell has a mutative essence This is a ice spell This is a earth spell This is a metal spell This is a slime spell This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Near
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience

The mage gains the ability to scale different kinds of surfaces just as easily as they would stroll down the street. They can use their newfound stickiness to crawl up and down completely smooth walls and across ceilings, so long as they have at least two limbs free. While this spell lasts, climbing doesn't require a Grip check. Creatures under the effects of this spell can defend themselves normally and are not considered Wide-eyed to attackers. The target of this spell can also Dash while climbing. The granted bonus depends on the Intensity.

Ice mages can only scale surfaces composed of ice and snow. Earth mages can only scale surfaces made of earth-like material (e.g. brick, glass, ceramic, crystalline). Metal mages can only scale metallic surfaces. Verdance mages can only scale organic surfaces (e.g. wood, vines). Slime mages, however, gain a natural adaptation possessed by many insects and amphibians: sticky digits, meaning they can scale any kind of surface.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 bonus to Dash
  2. +4 bonus
  3. +6 bonus
  4. +8 bonus
  5. +10 bonus

Weather Proof

This spell has a warding essence This is a fire spell This is a ice spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts One hour per rank
Target Creature Save

The mage envelops himself or another creature in a hooded cloak woven of magic threads. This mantle boosts the wearer's resistance to environmental extremes. The cloak appears as a finely crafted garment, tailored to its wearer (be it a human, steed, or pet). If the cloak is ever removed, the spell ends abruptly. This spell grants a bonus to Stamina checks to stave off Knockout penalties related to extreme heat or cold.

A mage can cast this spell using any of the listed elements, but must buy Elemental Skill ranks in each. A fire cloak guards the wearer against freezing cold. An ice cloak guards the wearer against scorching heat.

Intensity Effects

  1. +4 to Stamina
  2. +8 to Stamina
  3. +12 to Stamina
  4. +16 to Stamina
  5. +20 to Stamina


This spell has a dynamic essence This is a slime spell 
Rarity 1 Distance Far
AP 4 Lasts 10 minutes per spell rank
Target Creature Save Thievery

No one likes to be covered in glue. Nets suck, too. Nets that stick to you are damned awful. This spell sends a wad of netting similar to spider silk at an area, sticking any creatures within. The mage makes an Attack Roll using the Magic weapon skill, and the target of the spell makes a Dodge Roll. If the attack hits, the mage makes a Casting Roll and any victims must make a Thievery check to try to escape the web. The mage who throws the web is immune to its sticky effects. Those caught within the web suffer penalties similar to being entangled in a net (see the Combat chapter). This spell adds a bonus to the Casting Roll for each level of Intensity. The web cannot be burst through using a Might check due to its elasticity.

Intensity Effects

  1. +2 bonus to Casting Roll
  2. +4 bonus
  3. +6 bonus
  4. +8 bonus
  5. +10 bonus

Wraith Harrow

This spell has a stygian essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 3 Distance Contact
AP 3 Lasts N/A
Target Creature Save Mettle

A thin veil separates the world of the living and the spirit world. When this veil is lifted, the sting of death follows. This spell allows the mage to reach out and grab a creature with the embrace of the grave. The sturdiness of armor and the constitution of the body are irrelevant against this spell. Only a stalwart heart can fend off this dark magic. Wraith Harrow is often found in the arsenal of undead creatures with the incorporeal condition.

The mage makes an Attack Roll using the Hand-to-hand weapon skill. If the target fails its Evasion Roll, the mage makes a Casting Roll, and the target makes its save. This spell delivers draining damage. If the target's Evasion Roll is higher than the mage's Attack, no MP are wasted; the spell isn't cast until the mage is touching the target.

Intensity Effects

The bonus this spell grants to the Spell Harm in the Casting Roll depends on the Intensity.

  1. +5 Spell Harm
  2. +10 Spell Harm
  3. +15 Spell Harm
  4. +20 Spell Harm
  5. +25 Spell Harm

X-Ray Vision

This spell has a perceptive essence This is a light spell 
Rarity 2 Distance Self
AP 4 Lasts One round per spell rank
Target Self Save

What's behind door number three?! The mage's vision passes through solid matter, allowing him or her to view the secrets that lie beyond closed doors, or in locked boxes. Other interesting uses include a medical diagnosis or inspecting a person's wallet inventory. To the mage, solid objects appear very translucent or almost like a wire-frame. The range of the mage's distance varies by Intensity.

Intensity Effects

  1. 10 ft radius
  2. 20 ft radius
  3. 30 ft radius
  4. 40 ft radius
  5. 50 ft radius

You and What Army?

Crashtestdummy.svg This rule simply needs to be tested. It may be almost perfect, or it may need a bit of work. We think it's pretty good, but it hasn't been really tested. Leave any feedback on the Talk page, please!
This spell has a illusory essence This is a dark spell 
Rarity 5 Distance Self
AP 6 Lasts 1 minute per rank
Target Self Save Guts

Haven't you always wanted a hundred of your friends to show up at your butt-kicking party? Summoning a huge host of allies — even illusory ones — certainly puts you in a favorable position. When this spell kicks off, a multitude of imaginary comrades fly to your aide. They can manifest any way you desire, for instance, a posse of five bloodthirsty buddies pouring through the door, a crowd of archers lining the walls standing up from their hiding places, a trio of enormous fire-breathing monsters dropping from the sky, or a thousand ghostly soldiers appearing from an eerie mist. However you imagine it, the illusion seems completely real to any onlookers. Any creatures within the area of effect who have a neutral or worse disposition to the caster must make a Guts save. Those who fail will flee as fast as their legs will carry them, or surrender and cower pathetically. If anyone attempts to fight the illusion, they're entitled to a Lucidity check to realize they've been duped.

Intensity Effects

  1. 100 yards
  2. 250 yards
  3. ¼ mile
  4. ½ mile
  5. 1 mile


This spell has a mutative essence This is a verdance spell 
Rarity 4 Distance Contact
AP 4 Lasts 1 hour per rank
Target Creature Save Resilience
Counter Age

The mage reaches into the sands of time and polishes the glass. With a touch, one target is quickly reverted to an earlier state in life. The mage makes a hand-to-hand Attack Roll. If the target fails its Dodge Roll, the mage makes his Casting Roll, and the target makes its Resilience save.

The effects of youthfulness are dependent on the Intensity. Because the target appears and acts childlike, they tend not to be taken seriously by adult members of society. When the spell ends, the creature reverts to its proper age.

Intensity Effects

  1. −2 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Negotiate, Seduce.
  2. −4 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Negotiate, Seduce.
  3. −6 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Negotiate, Seduce.
  4. −8 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Negotiate, Seduce.
  5. −10 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Negotiate, Seduce.