Cloud Step

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Revision as of 20:13, 12 June 2011 by Doublecompile (talk | contribs) (overhaul)
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Police brutality.svg This rule just plain sucks. It needs a complete overhaul in order to be useful. We don't want to deprecate it, so get cracking on a revision, slacker!
This spell has a unknown essence
This is a air spell
Rarity 2
AP 4
Target See description
Distance Contact
Lasts One hour per school rank

Target treads on clouds and air as if they were solid matter. This does not allow the target to fly, but rather allows it to move as normal on air. It might appear to onlookers as if the mage is climbing invisible stairs into the sky or walking a clear catwalk across a pit of tar.

Intensity Effects

  1. One target.
  2. Two targets.
  3. Three targets.
  4. Four targets.
  5. As many targets as can link hands and stand in a circle.