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Social Trump

Expoint Cost: 1-5

Someone owes you something. Perhaps they owe you a simple favor, money, their life, or something you once lent to them or they took from you. How they pay you back is questionable, according to the GM's desires. Perhaps the miserly count whose life you save, instead of dropping you a hefty reward offers you the hand of his repugnant or boorish daughter. Refusal could mean the count's enmity or worse. Difficulties can arise; however, the GM should keep in mind that something good should come out of the deal. After all, the player did pay for a reward somehow. The Favor (particularly those of high value) may be paid out in a series of smaller boons or one lump sum, but sooner or later it will be discharged, and further attempts to collect on a settled debt will likely arouse anger. As noted elsewhere, with varying point values of faults/trumps, the severity dictates that point value. All final decisions are up to the GM.