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This spell has a unknown essence
This is a fire spell
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target N/A
Distance N/A
Lasts N/A

The mage calls upon the spirit of fire to bring forth a burst of fire and light. The mage can use this Flare to signal friends, or blind foes, or even cover your escape. The intensity of the flare is dependent on the spell level. Foes must roll a save against your spell roll or suffer the effects of the spell.

Intensity Effects

  1. Create a finger-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 1 mile at night. If not launched, causes an annoying green blob in the vision of everyone with their eyes open (onlookers lose 1 action point).
  2. Creates a bottle-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 10 miles at night. If not launched, it blinds everyone with their eyes open for one round.
  3. Creates a basketball-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 20 miles at night. If not launched, blinds your enemy for two rounds.
  4. Creates a torso-sized signal flare, visible at a distance of 50 miles at night. If not launched, it blinds everyone with their eyes open for one minute.
  5. Creates a bolder-sized signal flare, which rivals a star in intensity, and can be seen from 100 miles. If not launched, it blinds everyone with their eyes open for five minutes.