Snow Shoes

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Revision as of 18:08, 19 March 2013 by Doublecompile (talk | contribs) (+essence)
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Police brutality.svg This rule just plain sucks. It needs a complete overhaul in order to be useful. We don't want to deprecate it, so get cracking on a revision, slacker!
This spell has a mutative essence
This is a ice spell
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Creature
Distance Contact
Lasts Two rounds per school rank

The mage endows the feet of the target with supernatural balance, speed, and traction through ice and snow. The target gains the benefits to speed listed below when trudging through a winter wasteland. Useful for alpine skiing and couples figure skating (though that would require two castings of the spell).

Intensity Effects

  1. +5 to speed
  2. +10 to speed
  3. +15 to speed
  4. +20 to speed
  5. +30 to speed