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This is a aura spirit art
This is a deceiving spirit art
Rarity 1
AP 4
Target Self
Distance Self
Lasts 10 minutes per rank

When a creature lies, its physiology reveals the deception. The spirit artist who performs Delude stifles her own aura so she may quiet the signals her body produces to avoid discovery. The most convincing lies are told with a calm demeanor and a quiet countenance.

Concentration Effects

This spirit art grants a bonus to Bluff and Disguise depending on the Concentration.

  1. +2 to Bluff and Disguise
  2. +4 to Bluff and Disguise
  3. +6 to Bluff and Disguise
  4. +8 to Bluff and Disguise
  5. +10 to Bluff and Disguise