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Many types of martial fighters revel in wrestling an opponent. It can be beneficial to incapacitate an enemy or pry something from their fingers.

At attacker must roll:

Hold Attack
d10 + Cunning + Hand-to-Hand + Muscle + Hold

A defender must roll one of the following:

Defense with Hold
d10 + Agility + Dodge or Hand-to-Hand + Muscle + Hold
Defense with Escape
d10 + Agility + Dodge or Hand-to-Hand + Agility + Escape

If the attacker wins the Hold check, the two are locked in a grasp. On the attacker's next turn, he or she can do any of the following:

  • Squeeze defender (break ribs, choke out, etc.) - Attacker's Hand-to-Hand damage + Muscle opposed by defender's Armor and Endurance.
  • Pry item from defender’s hand - Opposed Hold checks
  • Attack defender with his own weapon*
  • Attack defender with weapon* you carry
  • Cast a spell/enact a special ability - Only possible if no gestures are required

Note*: Weapons for these actions must take 3 or less Action Points to use, and be of piercing or slashing type. One cannot use ranged weapons or polearms for this purpose.

On each turn, the defender can try to break out of the grasp with a Hold or an Escape check opposed by the attacker's Hold check.

Combatants in a Hold cannot add Agility+Dodge or make a parry against attacks. This is true for any attack against them.