Most High Being

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In Immortal Legacy, The Most High Being is the omnipotent creator of the universe, and progenitor of the Immortals.

The Most High Being is unnamed, but understood to exist outside of the concepts of space and time, and therefore is immeasurable, indescribable, and incomprehensible to those within creation. His perfection, majesty, character, and will are revealed through the intricate workings of the universe, to include the fate of the beings within.

The will of The Most High Being exerting itself can be observed in acts of fortunate chance, unlikely coincidence, and well-timed improbabilities.

A widespread belief is that mortals are so far removed from divinity that people must ask the Immortals to intercede on their behalves, and so prayers are rarely directed at the Most High Being himself. There are some who question whether the Most High Being is involved in the lives of mortals at all, and others who reject his existence entirely. When sacrifices (e.g. livestock) and offerings (e.g. harvests) are made, tradition in most lands is to ask whichever Immortal is locally revered to carry the blessing to the Most High and beg his favor.